Growing young

Life begins at 40? Not exclusively. Life can begin at 30, 50, 60, or whatever age you want it to. It is never too late to be what you wish you had become.

But the world, being the maddening chaos that it is, isn’t conducive to growing young. Our daily concerns, problems, and obligations bring more white hair and wrinkles than we care to have. Life is really not so much about growing old or growing young; it is more about growing more alive, enflamed with energetic zest and fervor to make it all fulfilling and worthwhile.

In this age that puts a high premium on looking and feeling young, where the easy way out of aging is through invasive procedures and surgical body sculpting, is there an alternative way to growing young? Here are some ideas for enthusiastic living:
Enthusiastic Living
Have a reason to live. Refuse the purposeless life and start living for something (a philosophy, value or belief that means so much to you) or someone (your family, a loved one, or your cat). Whether it is a job, a hobby or pastime, indulge in something that truly interests you. This reason or reasons will make waking up mornings full of joy and anticipation.

Get involved. Connecting with people is what life is all about. Our personal, professional, and business relationships enhance the quality of our lives. Start by being more aware and involved with your family and loved ones. Make an effort to meet people with the same interests as you. Stand for something and fight for it. Most of all, connect with your spirit and discover its secret needs and mission.

Keep loving and giving. Your heart sings when you give love and the more you give, the more you have. One big mistake we make is keeping things for ourselves. Everything we have, even the breath of life, is borrowed and will have to be returned someday. We must give away love to be able to keep beautiful feelings and memories. Love yourself more each day, too, and always strive to look good.

Keep opening doors. One characteristic of people who never age is that they are always looking forward to the next big thing in their lives. They keep moving forward, opening exciting doors as they travel on. It’s good to keep in mind that when a door closes on you, a million more are waiting to be flung open. But you must do the unlatching and opening. You should also close unnecessary chapters in your life that deter you from moving on.

Keep working and being useful. No matter how old you are, you should say never to retiring. Should you decide to retire from your job or profession, venture into other areas of life and expertise that will make you grow intellectually and spiritually. Stay in touch with the times and endeavor to be useful to others. Nothing is quite as frustrating as living a life that does not contribute to the good and progress of the world.

Keep striving to be the best that you can be. Keep on learning; go back to school if you must. You can learn to hear by taking music appreciation courses, learn to see by taking humanities and art classes. You can even learn to sing, dance, write, compose music, fix a computer, etc. Life is a non-stop learning university. By availing yourself of the infinite courses available, you can truly enhance your mind and your life, and be the best that you can be.

Be adventurous and open to change. Real life is a bore – you must venture out to rarely trodden paths and plunge into the exciting, extraordinary life. The ordinary, mediocre life is much too monotonous and predictable. Take some calculated risks to be able to reap huge rewards. Realize that life is about change; people who resist change resist life. Let your imagination run wild and direct you to your fantasies and dreams.

Marvel at life and savor it. Take time to stop and look at the clouds and smell the lilies. Marvel at the universe’s mysteries and be thankful that you are a part of these glorious gifts. Look for life’s surprises and sift the gold from the dust. Avoid settling down to a dull, no-challenge, colorless life. Savor life and try to leave your own positive mark which people will remember long after you are gone.
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