RAMON Z. CARRION, businessman: Yes, I do pray for a sign when it pertains to major decisions that have a great impact on my life, my loved ones or my country. On other instances, I pray that my decisions be the right ones and ask for inner guidance.
MIA DRAGON FLOIRENDO, Regatta managing director: No, but I pray for guidance. I believe God gave us a rational mind, and more importantly, free will to make the right decisions. Also, sometimes its better not to rush into making decisions. Things have a way of falling into place.
POPS FERNANDEZ, singer/actress: I pray. They say when you pray you have to be specific.
AUDIE GEMORA, stage actor and director: I seek Gods leading by praying and reading His Word. The scripture pretty much covers any concern. When you make consulting God a habit, youll easily recognize His voice. I only ask for a sign when the Word isnt clear on a matter.
CIARA MARASIGAN, jewelry designer: For critical decisions, I rely on my wisdom from past experiences, the good advice of people I trust, my analytical, creative, and sometimes, intuitive sense to serve as guides. Decisions falling under this category would be high-risk issues, like business positioning, budget allocation, diversification of my investment portfolio, and yes, relationship matters. But for less serious decisions, like whether or not I should indulge in chocolate, any kind for that matter, my sign would be a BIG YES if the chocolate station is situated near the area of the counter. My personal favorite is when Im on retail therapy. S-A-L-E in big fat letters is enough sign for me!
LEN NEPOMUCENO GUIAO, fashion designer: I do both actually: pray, then ask for a sign. When the sign comes, I get scared because its really creepy! But in every decision I have to make, I just leave it all to God, believing in my heart that everything happens for a reason. I guess the signs are there just to remind me to pray more often. I have no regrets on any decisions I have made since I always look at the bright side. I guess thats destiny.
MARITER MACAPAGAL, Cupertino Center for Special Children executive director and Mirriam College graduate school senior professor: I pray for a sign. It depends on the decision I am making. I ask God to give me a sign through a flower or to block my plans if it will not be good for me. I really rely on prayer. Its very difficult to make decisions without it.
RITA NERI, events planner: I believe that up to a certain point, a person is in charge of his own destiny. But, I also believe in miracles. When things get too difficult and life isnt going the way I want it to be, I try and "fix" things as far as I possibly can. After that, Ive learned to leave it up to our Lord. I try not to negotiate, ask for signs or such simply because faith is unconditional. Simply put, "If the Lord closes a door, He will open a window." I guess that makes me a practical optimist!
RAFFY JOSE, businessman: Yes, I pray with my wife, Marichi, and ask for a sign before making an important decision, although not necessarily for some tangible proof that the prayer will be answered, or by setting a timetable for it to take place and how. You feel Him communicate His response to your prayer, somehow, when certain things just fall into place or when opportunities just pop up at a time you most need them to be there. It kind of makes you feel that it is precisely what He wants you to do. That its meant to be. Its almost as if He assures you that this is where you ought to be headed because Hes practically paved the way for you, got major roadblocks out of your way and opened doors for you. It is, however, important to reflect and to pray for discernment, so that we are able to feel His hand truly guiding us because very often our prayers arent answered in the exact way, shape or form we expect.