Whose life would you like to play in a movie?

Actors are adept at playing different roles – this is what they were trained for, what they are awarded for. But once in a while, there is that role that truly inspires them and makes them do great work. So we asked several actors whose life they want to portray in a movie: real-life people whose lives may have touched them in a personal way or simply people who are intriguing to them.

Richard Branson, owner of Virgin company.

I’d like to play Juan Luna, an artist and revolutionary with a great passion for life.

Mary Magdalene. Her life is like mine as mine is to hers. Like her, people judged me, threw stones at me. But I always get up because Jesus is always there to protect me. Some think I’m the new Mary Magdalene, and no one else is fit for the role, I think. I can’t be the Virgin Mary. They will crucify me.

I can portray anyone as long as I believe in him. As an actor I have to be flexible. I can play a cop, a hoodlum or a politician.

I have played roles that range from a Japanese officer to our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal. Any part given to me, whether big or small, is fine. As long as it’s challenging, I would love to do it.

FPJ or Johnny Manahan.

I would like to play the character of Princess Diana. Ang lawak kasi ng range of emotions niya na nakapaloob sa kwento ng buhay niya. Kahanga-hanga siya. She had a very lonely life but shared her blessings with the less fortunate.

I would have to say Princess Di’s life. I’ve always been curious about her life – a commoner married to a prince. I’ve always wanted to look into her life in the palace, her relationship with the queen, her compassion for the needy.

I’d like to do Marcos or Ninoy because both were great and brilliant men who influenced the Filipinos. I believe they both lived colorful lives. Another person I would also one day want to portray is Mike Arroyo. I’m really curious what’s happening to the man behind the most powerful woman in the country and his being the first First Gentleman in our country’s history.

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