What’s one thing in your closet that you can’t throw away?

Trying to get rid of what I don’t really need from my closet used to be one of the hardest things for me to do. It is because I put a lot of value on all the gifts I have been fortunate to receive. But, I also know that there are people who might be able to make better use of what I have so I share these blessings with others. Giving to others has made it easy for me to clear out my closet. Sometimes it is hard to let go, but when I remember that I can make someone else happy by letting go – I let go.

CHARI BAGATSING, civic-minded lady
: I have discovered that I have developed many attachments which I keep inside my closet. Many of them are presents from the very people close to my heart – rosary, cologne, scarves, pillboxes, powder cases and a beautiful necklace given by a group of wonderful ladies. I also have kept a plaque given to me by my cousins at a surprise birthday dinner. These are really the things I can never throw away because of the wonderful memories they have etched in my heart.

MIGUEL P. BLARDONY, business development consultant/entrepreneur:
Your question intrigues me, as I have never really paid attention to what I throw out. I checked my closet and I found that I still have a used pair of Cole Haan driving shoes that I must have bought in ’97. And an old pair of Diesel jeans, too.

: A matching set of lavender La Perla lingerie… my boyfriend’s first gift.

INGRID CHUA GO, managing editor, Metro Weddings Magazine:
I could never part with my ostentatiously printed Versace jeans, bought in ’92 while I was in college in SF. I haven’t worn them since ’93! I’m a sentimental chick. They’re still in my closet because my mom paid for them. Nothing comes close to these pants now that Gianni’s gone. And, now that I’m pregnant, I’m hoping we have a girl so she can have them one day! They’ll really be vintage by then!

PUEY QUIñONES, fashion designer
: A Balenciaga shirt I bought from ukay ukay because I can’t afford to buy designer brands.

: My vintage Levi’s. If I can get away with wearing jeans everywhere I go I would. Thank God jeans will never be out. My vintage Levi’s is unstoppable. Comfortable, nice cut and color, and it goes with most of my tops.

RICHIE SANTOS, Cinderella VP for merchandising:
I can never throw away my rosary made from the bark of an olive tree. I got it when I had a chance to visit the Holy Land, particularly Bethlehem in 2000.

RICKY ALEGRE, marketing and PR executive, VP for sales of Philippine Graphic, Cook and Mirror
: I am the type of person who regularly cleans out my closet. If it has stuff that has not been used for the past year, I give them away. But I don’t throw away pictures because these are treasures that establish the links in my life. I keep pictures of my siblings and me growing up, of my wife and our children, and of my years working as a journalist for the Philippine STAR.

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