Nasty rumors

Six years ago, when the news broke out that I was engaged to Richard I became the target of all sorts of incredible rumors ranging from the usual (that I was pregnant and Richard had to marry me) to the not-so-common (that we had a pre-nup) to the downright outrageous (that I was a sorceress, practicing witchcraft, and my parents locked me up in a tower for years in my hometown of Ormoc).

As a little girl dreaming of my prince and a happily-ever-after scenario, I always knew that I would marry for love. Little did I know that my prince would be a celebrity who belonged to a world far more colorful and public than the quiet, provincial life I was accustomed to. I am often asked if I dislike showbiz and all that comes with it. To that question I usually answer that through the years I have discovered far more reasons to like rather than dislike the industry because it has been good to my husband. Yes, there definitely are downs – the worst may be not only that everything a celebrity does is magnified at least 10 times. And that there may be times when stories will be manufactured out of thin air, (what comes to mind is the AIDS issue that Richard was victim of) for the sake of juicy gossip. Sadly, it is a harsh reality that comes with the territory.

To date, the most malicious rumor we faced as a couple was that we were separated and working on our annulment (and this was when we were barely two months into our marriage). Asked what the basis was, the source of the rumor said that she saw us at a function and that Richard and I were "not holding hands". Pray tell, since when has the absence of clasped hands for five minutes or so in one function been the surest sign of uncoupling and a pending annulment? There were more rumors that came along the way in bits and pieces; some funny, a few not so, others downright absurd.

I took everything in stride, knowing and understanding that they were part and parcel of marrying a popular personality. Loving Richard also meant stepping into a ring where I would not be able to either understand or control the punches thrown my way.

About four months ago, Kris Aquino called up to inform me that it seemed like I was the target of a nasty blind item in a newspaper. She says a staff from one of her TV programs showed it to her because it initially sounded like it could be her. Upon process of elimination though based on the clues given, Kris realized that she did not quite fit the profile thus leaving only me and three other females married to celebrities. While still on the phone, I scanned through the blind item. I honestly thought it did not sound like me. Before we hung up, Kris suggested that I look into the matter because although we both knew it was outrageous, there are people who will only be too quick to take everything they read as bible truth.

In my mind though, I let it go. I knew it wasn’t me so why bother? That blind item did not cross my mind again until about two weeks ago when a good friend of mine told me laughingly that she had just heard the "funniest rumor" about me from her mom’s friend who was declaring it with much passion. A few nights later, another friend of mine told me about the same rumor. I still thought nothing of it until my closest and dearest friends, including people I deeply respect and admire, called to inform me about the same rumor that by now had apparently been passed on through text messaging, starting with "Is it true that?" The rumor was further considered as true by people who said that they had a friend, whose friend’s friend confirmed its veracity, and so on. These all came one after another in a span of just two days and here I was thinking that it had already died down! Evidently, the rumormongers just took a break during the Lenten season and the elections. Oh well…

On all counts, the story was a spin off the initial blind item that started it all. The perpetrator/s were not content with a general situation, they also managed to peg supposedly actual and real circumstances.

Apparently, much as I was convinced that the blind item did not refer to me, Kris was right after all because it probably did sound enough like me to spawn a series of speculations, one that has dragged on and lasted far too long. Which brings me to why I am writing this piece.

As much as I would want to keep quiet about the whole thing and just patiently wait until it eventually dies a natural death, I cannot pretend the situation (if you can call it that) does not exist. Nor can I pretend that it does not bother me or the people close to me. Because it surely does.

For the record, I categorically deny being part of any incident such as the one insinuated by the rumor. In the same breath, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to all those who called and got in touch with me to inform me about the whole thing. Had it not been for you guys, I would not have realized how magnified the rumor has become.

I do not know nor will I assume that by writing this I had successfully dispelled the whole untruth. All I know is that after all has been said and done, I will look back to this time knowing that I did what I could to defend myself and set the record straight. For what it’s worth, at least I know I did not just sit and watch idly as someone heaped accusations on me.

I am very happy with my life now, I have been blessed with more than I ever even dreamt of for myself and if that makes me a qualified candidate for gossip, then so be it. Choosing to dwell on, complain, or whine about something as senseless and baseless as that rumor would be tantamount to being ungrateful for my many blessings.

I have come to terms with the fact that there will always be those who will think nothing of fabricating stories, those who will try to create smoke where there is no fire. And then there are those at the receiving end who can either choose to be crushed or opt to roll with the punches and rise above them. I will always go for the latter. I have set my heart to putting my trust in God and remaining thankful, even as I find myself in the eye of the storm. The more I am in touch with Him, the more I am likely to recognize that I have so much to be grateful for and nothing to complain about.

All this shall pass.

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