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Sunday Lifestyle


There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich. The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller and more abundant life – and that desire is praiseworthy. The person who does not desire to have money enough to buy all he wants is abnormal. – W. D. Wattles

Ihave always been intrigued by that exclusive breed of men that creates great wealth. Everybody can be wealthy but not everybody will be. Why is it that one man can build a skyscraper while another can’t even build a hut? Why can people like the Waltons of Wal-Mart and Henry Sy of SM build and operate an impressive chain of malls and department stores while others couldn’t even set up a sari-sari or convenience store?

Some people generate great wealth while others don’t because not everyone is capable of turning his wealth dreams and desires into reality. An astounding fact is that some people don’t even dream of becoming wealthy. What’s worse, many don’t believe they are worthy of wealth and prosperity.

What kind of a man creates great wealth? He is one of the very rare super humans – he is the one with the wealthy mind.
Everything Starts In The Mind
Cyberspace, today’s top moneymaking arena, exists in virtual reality which in reality is unreal. Confused yet? Well, try not to be. Even if the Internet is a network of digital signals pulsating in non-material cyberspace, its tremendous effect has revolutionized and changed the world.

What is this trying to tell us? That virtual energy which is "unreal" and an invention of the human mind (certainly it is not one of God’s original creations) can be more powerful than matter, which we consider "real." Thoughts, after all, are energy and are equally as powerful.

According to Brian Tracy, "Today the greatest single source of wealth is between your ears." Napoleon Hill further declares, "More gold has been mined from the mind of man than from the earth."
The Dreaming Mind
Idream for a living," states Steven Spielberg.

This topnotch film producer and director has made movies like Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, etc. – all visual representations of his imagined fantasies that made multi-millions in theater box offices all over the world.

Money wealth naturally gravitates to the dreaming mind. Dreams start the godly act of creation and when a beautiful dream becomes a desirable product or service, it rakes in the money. All the million-dollar ideas we know and use were created by the human imagination – the ball pen, yo-yo, paper clips, cars, the hula-hoop, the computer, and even the unremarkable pet rock and cabbage patch dolls.
The Achieving Mind
The dreaming mind, which is the conceiver, would be useless if its ideas are not made real. Success happens when ideas are turned into reality. The dreaming mind could either extend itself to be an achieving mind or partner up with someone else’s achieving mind. A perfect example is the tandem of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. In Jurassic Park, Spielberg conceived the dinosaurs while Lucas made them "real" mechanically and digitally.

The dreaming mind needs the achieving mind to turn its ideas into great wealth. The achieving mind takes the dream or concept and keeps on pushing until it is made real.
Luck Or Hard Work?
Are wealthy people lucky or what? Are there people born to be lucky? Is there such a thing as luck? Unsuccessful people lament that good luck never comes their way and blame fate for their misery. Believing in luck is nothing but a lame excuse for one’s failure.

Someone once said that luck is when opportunity, readiness and hard work concur. Good luck is the result of making the right decisions that lead to the great blessing.

It is the product of a wealthy mind and hard work.
Creating Magic
Money is an illusion. The paper bills, coins and plastic cards that we use in currency exchange are only representations of money. They are worthless in and by themselves; it is the purchasing value we assign to them that gives them their power. Money is really an agreement that there is something valuable behind that piece of paper, metal or plastic. Now that money is no longer backed up by gold, it is all the more illusory – it is worthless except for the faith we put into it.

Money is one form of magic that we create and bring into our life. It needs some kind of sorcery to earn it, still a special wizardry to make loads of it. Thank God that all of us possess the best moneymaking machine we will ever need – the mind. But we must turn it into the wealthy mind for it to really create the magic.
Qualities Of A Wealthy Mind
The greatest news you’ll ever hear is that the wealthy mind can be developed. Any mind can be programmed for wealth and prosperity. This is why getting the right education, having the proper beliefs and attitudes, being in the right circle of friends and associates, and taking courses and seminars that boost your aptitude for wealth-building is very important.

Is your mind programmed and geared for great wealth? Do you possess a wealthy mind? Find out if yours has these qualities:

The wealthy mind believes in the abundance of the universe. It is aware of the unlimited possibilities that exist and chooses to unravel and solve their mystery.

The wealthy mind dreams. It is not content with what there is; it formulates a vision of what could or should be.

The wealthy mind believes in the power of its dreams and desires. It knows that it is God’s co-creator. The wealthy mind has great faith in the Divine Providence but knows that God only helps those who make things happen.

The wealthy mind lives to create. The wealthy mind is always improving, innovating, perfecting. It always looks for a better, more efficient and more extraordinary way of doing things.

The wealthy mind has a purpose. There is a noble reason that rules over and above what it does that inspires and motivates it to imagine, create and set energy into motion.

The wealthy mind is clear and focused. It knows precisely what it wants and is not easily disturbed by external disturbances that detract from its dreams and goals.

The wealthy mind is courageous. Fear is not in its vocabulary because fear results in inaction and inaction produces nothing. It is neither afraid to take calculated risks nor afraid to lose it all.

The wealthy mind is persistent. It learns from its mistakes and keeps on trying until it succeeds.

The wealthy mind builds powerful alliances with others to attain great goals. It knows that with the synergistic help of the right people, it can achieve the impossible.

The wealthy mind loves what it is doing. It is passionate about its concepts and projects. Most of all, it knows how to enjoy and savor the fruits and benefits of its labors and creations.

The wealthy mind shares and gives. It does not believe in lack; it is generous and benevolent. The wealthy mind knows that the more it gives, the more it has, and the more it receives.

The wealthy mind knows that money is a means, not an end. It is aware that money is simply a tool to improve the condition of mankind.
Christ’s Biggest, Little Known Secret
Many people believe that they have to die first before they can go to heaven. Most of us look forward to bliss in another life. This is one of Christianity’s little understood (and often missed out) secrets – we seek heaven but few of us know that it is within us! Luke 17:21 tells us so: "Lo the kingdom of heaven is within you."

The kingdom of heaven the Bible keeps referring to is the wealthy mind. Short of saying, "Yo! Heavenly bliss in you, dude. It’s right there in your mind!", the gospels try to share Christ’s biggest secret but we refuse to open our eyes and heart. The Holy One even showed the way to enter the kingdom – by being like a little child! Being innocent, wide-eyed and playful like a small child is the way to enter the magical world of the imagination, the playground of the wealthy mind!

Matthew was rather direct about how to gain wealth and riches. "Seek you first the kingdom of heaven and all things will be provided unto you." (Matthew 6:33) Enter the mind first and it shall give you all that you desire. Could anything be more direct?
Take Action Now
Here is one curious theory that I point out in my "Money, Money! Secret Principles of Money & Prosperity" seminars: If all the money in the world were gathered and distributed equally among all the people on earth, in three years, the rich would be rich again and the poor would be poorer and even more miserable. Money is truly a mind thing. You have to be wealthy in mind to be wealthy in money.

A wealthy mind is your true treasure. It is your source of limitless ideas that could bring you great wealth and abundance. It could never be stolen from you and is your best weapon for the difficult times.

Don’t just sit there wishing and hoping for wealth. Take action right now!
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I’d love to hear from you! For your comments, inquiries and suggestions, call/text 0920-4053233 or e-mail Reprinting of this article in any form requires the permission of the author. Merry Christmas everybody! I wish for you wealth in all areas of your life!

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