Today’s youth are good- looking, talented, intelligent, enthusiastic, and raring to take charge of life. Equipped with eyes so bright and smiles so disarmingly winsome, today’s young people will soon spread their wings to make a mark in the world. With their youthful idealism, fresh attitude and undaunted optimism, they want to conquer and succeed.

In the hands of these young dreamers lie the future of our nation and ultimately, the world. Find out their secret wishes and aspirations, and compare them to your own (or have you given up on your dreams?)!

Chesca Gacrama, 19, Thames International Business School, freshman:
I love to travel and I’ve always been an entrepreneur. I want to become an international businesswoman in trading just like my father.

Another dream that I have is to, in my own little way, help alleviate the plight of the less fortunate, especially the children. I once shared a dream with someone to put up an orphanage that would provide shelter, knowledge and above all, love for these children. This, I eagerly plan to pursue!

Noel Teehankee, 21, currently applying for admittance in a foreign film school:
In all honesty? I want to be taller! No, I only wish to be successful enough to be able to provide for and secure the lives of everyone I love. And after that, total world domination!

I really want to be a film director because being one is to be honored with the chance and hopefully the ability to tell a story – a story with a message that has the capacity to reach and affect millions!

Emmanuelle Adda, 13, Waldorf School, Grade 7:
I want to be a missionary singer because God gave me the blessing to be alive and the gift of song. And since He paid for my sins and gave me this life, I should lift everything that I have up to Him, and use my talents and live my life for Him.

Diego Buenaflor, 22, University of Asia & the Pacific, Liberal Arts, 2nd year:
I’d like to pay back the world for giving me life. I want to be financially stable so I don’t have to worry about myself. I’ll achieve that by being an entrepreneur who is into retailing or distributing a health product or even manufacturing something.

My dream is to fund starving artists and help them realize their art. An event that I would love to happen would be me winning the New York Lotto!

Amanda Nograles, 21, De La Salle University, Communication Arts, 4th year:
I want to have a fulfilling career in finance where I get paid to do math and play with other people’s money. And I want to have a loving family to go home to ˆ beautiful children and a good-looking husband to cuddle with at night. Oh, and J. Lo’s figure, too!

What would make my life complete is knowing what love really is by finding the right man to grow old with.

Miguel Herrera, 21, De La Salle University, AB Communication Arts, 4th year:
I want to completely enjoy my youth before seriously taking on a career in law or business. I’d be so happy if we finish recording my band’s album. And find an interesting date! What’s an interesting date? Put it this way: The day I find a girl who can talk to me about quantum physics in a bar is the day I propose!

Sheena Kaw, 18, University of Asia & the Pacific, Liberal Arts, 2nd year:
I want to be a successful businesswoman – a filthy rich one! One who owns a big company and holds office in a gleaming sky-rise building.

I am happy with my life, my family and friends. I feel complete already. I know I don’t have a perfect life but I wouldn’t trade my life for anything else. My secret dream? I have always wanted to be a rock star!

Fredrik Nogales, 20, University of Asia & the Pacific, Liberal Arts, 2nd year:
I dream to become a successful entrepreneur and be a family man before 30. I want my work to have something to do with the basics such as food and services.

What would make my life complete? It already is because of my girl. I love her smile that accentuates her eyes. I have always been particular about that – she must be chinita to get me running after her!

Kaye Avellana, 17, De La Salle University, BA Psychology, freshman:
I want to work in advertising like my dad and grandfather because I like playing with ideas and I think it will lead me to meet a lot of people who will make an impact in my life.

At the same time, I’d like to raise a family of my own. Though I know that balancing my time between career and family is going to be hard, I’ll prioritize my family because I want to spend a lot of time with them so I would be able to play an influential role in their life. And if I become really successful, I’d like to buy my own island!

Elvis Gutierrez, 20, Thames International Business School, Entrepreneurship, freshman:
I have many dreams and aspirations because as the saying goes, "Dreaming is free!" But my ultimate dream is to become a pro basketball player. Being overweight half of my childhood prevented me from joining the varsity team and training sessions in my school before. But it is still a living dream. Another dream is to become a businessman, putting up a business with my brother.

What would make my life complete is to spend more time with the girl who inspires me. That would make me really alive and happy!

Sheena Vera Cruz, 21, Miriam College, International Studies, 4th year:
My dream is to be able to share my talents and abilities with others, especially what I’ve learned from being in the entertainment industry. I want to have my own agency or foundation for young people who want to learn about modeling, acting, singing, dancing, etc. I also believe that I was destined to travel to all corners of the earth with a purpose and maybe build international ties in order to fulfill that dream of providing such place for young people here and in other countries.

But what can make me happy right now is to have a stable career that would enable me to build a big house on the beach so I can go surfing all the time!
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I’d love to hear from you! For your comments and suggestions, e-mail DeroSeminar @yahoo.com, call 8975167 or text 0920-4053233.

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