What miracle would you ask from God?

Second to New Year, Holy Week is the time when many of us make promises to be a better person. It’s also the time when we remember all the suffering Jesus Christ went through for all and we are reminded that, yes, miracles do happen. For as long as we put our trust and faith in Him, we will always witness miracles in our lives. So on this Easter Sunday, let us not just pray and wait, but let us think good and do good to others. Then, maybe, a greater miracle will await us!

Vince Hizon, athlete:
If God could grant me a miracle I’d ask that my team, the Red Bull Thunder, would win the PBA championship this conference.

Ina Raymundo, Star Awards 2002 best actress:
I want to say world peace pero masyadong gasgas na yon so I would ask Him na sana mawala ang pollution dito sa Philippines. So that my baby Erika will be able to breathe fresh air.

Rio Diaz-Cojuangco, TV personality:
The miracle of knowing that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me, will never leave me nor forsake me. He loves me no matter how sinful I am. I humble myself before Him.

I thank God that my awesome miracle is his unmerited forgiveness! What better miracle can I ask for?

Susan Reyes, businesswoman:
That all people in government, elected or non-elected – from the President down to the janitors – have a change of heart and mind and start thinking of our country and the Filipino people first before themselves.

Beatriz Zobel, civic minded-lady:
That we would finally find a solution to end poverty in the Philippines.

Cheche Lazaro, producer/host, The Probe Team:
My wish is that peace finally come to war-torn areas of the world.

Tintin Bersola, host, TalkTV and Cinema News:
My wish would be that the Abu Sayyaf would come to their senses, see the light, have a change of heart and finally release their hostages. If they only turn their backs on their evil ways, that for me would be a miracle.

Senator Robert "Bobby" Barbers:
I’ll ask God to give me good health, success and a long life so I can serve Him more. I want the miracle of being able to share my blessings with other people especially the poor, the needy, the sick and those who are really in need of help, make my family and loved ones happy, be active in charity and to render always the best public service to our people.

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