Congratulations, Dr. Lucio Tan

"It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it."– H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Billionaire tycoon Lucio Tan was recently conferred an honorary Doctorate in Applied Agriculture (Honoris Causa) by the Central Luzon State University in ceremonies at the elegant ballroom of the Century Park Hotel, the metro bay area’s premier hotel.

Your columnist was invited to host the event attended by close to 700 guests. The evening was also highlighted by a thanksgiving dinner in honor of the Board of Trustees of the Tan Yan Kee Foundation, Inc. It saw the gathering of a venerable group led by esteemed SGV founder Washington Sycip; former Central Bank Gov. Gabriel Singson, chairman and president of JG Summit Capital Markets Corp.; Cesar E.A. Virata, chairman and president, C. Virata and Associates; Fr. Joaquin Bernas, Ateneo Law School dean; P.O. Domingo, chairman and CEO, University of the East; former Chief Justice Andres Narvasa; and former Vice President and Ambassador Emmanuel Pelaez.

The latest honor conferred on him celebrates a little-known side of Lucio Tan – that of a tireless philanthropist.

The Tan Yan Kee Foundation, which Dr. Lucio Tan established in 1986 in honor of his father, is a socio-civic organization of the Lucio Tan Group of Companies. The foundation has donated close to a billion pesos to various causes and projects. It is a benefactor of scholarships such as the Asia Brewery Medical Specialty Foundation and the Foundation for Upgrading the Standard of Education. It has also donated a P50 million CT Scan facility to the Armed Forces Medical Center for veterans and soldiers.

The foundation works in cooperation with the University of the East and former US President Jimmy Carter’s Habitat for Humanity. It has also helped build classrooms and school buildings throughout the country and recently granted P100 million for deserving scholars for the years 1998 to 2003. It recently presented the third batch of UE freshmen in Mathematics, Science, IT, Engineering and technical courses.

Entertained by premier balladeer Jose Mari Chan and sexy torch songbird Verni Varga, the guests enjoyed an incredibly exquisite dinner of Liver Terrine Argenteuil, Double Quail Essence with Straw Mushrooms, Steamed Sea Bass Fillet with Salmon Mousse Lemon Grass with Saffron and superb desserts.

Dr. Tan expressed his gratitude for the recognition and commended the members of the Board of Trustees for their leadership. His remarks elicited lengthy applause from the guests and was followed by a recessional where the UE Chorale performed.

To Dr. Lucio Tan, may I convey my personal felicitations for the honor conferred on you for your consistent efforts to enhance education and agriculture in the country. Congratulations, Dr. Tan!
Greetings Happy birthday to our celebrator today, Belle Litton.

Advanced birthday greetings to Carlos Perez-Rubio and Salud Ponce Tesoro, April 23; Roger Wilson, April 24; Bummer Santiago, Hermino Aquino, Teresita Araneta and Conchita Toda, April 25; Dr. Ariston Bautista, Alejandro Oppen and JG Summit Holdings’ James Go, April 26; Cesar Gabaldon and Marty Lopez, April 27; and Jesus Celdran and Jayelles Holdings (Phils.) Inc.’s Johnbee Sales, April 28.

Belated birthday greetings to tall, beautiful and long-legged Philippine STAR Lifestyle editor Millet Mananquil.

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