How Joey Marquez went from funny to sexy

MANILA, Philippines - Joey Marquez has always been described as funny. But sexy? Not until lately.

Joey has always been the comic relief guy in movies and television shows. You’d be surprised how much of an action star Joey is in real life. “I’ve been getting a lot of action! Dating, going out, mingling with the younger crowd. I haven’t had this much action since before I lost my hair,” says the actor. He’s referring to that period in his life when he suffered from hairloss. 

“I started losing my hair in my 30s. Back then, people thought I was already in my 40s. It was the hair eh. Hairloss made me look 10 years older, I felt like it, too,” he adds. Like any guy struggling with hairloss, Joey was the constant butt of jokes among his guy friends. He recalls, “I’ve been called names and made fun of. I laughed with them but the comments really affected me. My confidence and self-esteem suffered. Especially my appeal, especially that. Women called me kuya or uncle! That was one of the lowest points of my life.”

This year, Joey turns 56, but you can hardly tell. He’s been looking youthful and more charming than ever. And it’s all because of the hair. According to him, “Thicker hair makes you look younger and presentable. Not only having hair, having healthy hair is really important. It shows that you’re health-conscious. For me, it also makes you more of a man because it gives you confidence. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that having great hair attracts women. They find it sexy and appealing talaga when you have a good head of hair that they can touch, pull, or hold on to. It definitely adds to your pogi points.”

Svenson changed his game

“Svenson is the only place that gave me real results. All those expensive hairloss treatments I’ve tried in the States are nothing compared to the results I got from Svenson,” says Joey. Svenson upped his game, “From being this funny kalbo guy all those years, which women found adorable, they now find me funny, sexy, and irresistible. There’s a big difference. With more hair, I can also date younger because I look and feel younger myself. Hair is everything. It makes me a better man.” When it comes to competing with other men, Joey has this to say, “Sabi ko nga eh, sometimes I’m being so selfish kasi I don’t want to tell other guys where Svenson is kasi I don’t want more competition!” Kidding aside, Joey’s newfound confidence has got women staring, and not at all laughing.

Know more about Joey Marquez’s Anti-Hairloss program. Call Svenson at 892-4247 and schedule a free hair and scalp analysis today.

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