Dog named a hero after saving heart attack victim

Koume the mongrel who saved a heart attack victim's life
Twitter / Chiba Riding Park

MANILA, Philippines — A five-year-old dog in Japan named Koume has been hailed as a hero after a man suffered a heart attack and she barked non-stop until someone arrived to help.

Last February 25, at the Chiba Riding Park in Japan's Wakaba Ward, a man in his fifties collapsed and the often quiet Koume began barking to call the attention of nearby individuals.

Because of Koume's barks, staff at the riding park were able to call an ambulance and paramedics used an automated external defibrillator just in time.

For her efforts, the mongrel was given an official letter of appreciation by the Wakaba Fire Department in a special ceremony.

"Koume’s action in calling for help and the staff’s actions were a perfect response," said an fire department official; the man who suffered the heart attack has since gone back to riding.

Chiba Riding Park have been using female dogs like Koume as "mascots" to greet visitors; a rider instructor at the park believes Koume learned to help in crises from her late mentor, another dog named Ume.

The same instructor recollected that Koume previously called attention to when a horse attempted to escape the park by jumping a fence and another older horse having difficulty standing.

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