Happy to be IN a forever family

MANILA, Philippines - Lucius is a  rescued two month-old pup. He was run over by a jeepney and thus lost the use of his hind leg. But he remained confident and active, growing up with the love and care of PAWS volunteers. After two years of waiting for his forever home — he was adopted by the Caballeros family.

Now, he jogs and does marathons with his new mom and dad.

Clair is one of six dogs rescued from an animal hoarder in Sta. Mesa. She is an older, small and fearful dog,  such that  staff wondered if it would be better to put her to sleep considering her pitiful condition upon rescue. But her quiet determination and affectionate nature  helped her overcome her illness and trauma. Today she lives happily with the Parado family.

Maya was only six-weeks-old and had a severely injured right arm. She had to undergo a delicate amputation procedure even at that young age. But she showed PAWS staff and volunteers that she is a fighter — she not only survived the operation, she became a favorite among volunteers and foster parents for her affectionate disposition despite her condition. As soon as she was given a green light for adoption, the Pareño family introduced her to her new soft, red bed and her new brother, Bumper, also a rescued cat. 

Gaita was painfully emaciated and weak upon rescue, it took half a year to rehabilitate her. But her spirit was as strong as a pup’s, and not long after she was introduced to the Ross family, she wiggled her way into their hearts and home.

Director Joey Reyes is also a happy daddy adoptee. He adopted two rescued dogs from PAWS. He fondly calls them James and Phil. Direk Joey is with Phil his three-month-old doggy. 

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