Aspins got her heart

I used to think that it would take a lifetime to make people change their views on subjects they hold close to their hearts. But, then again, in this political season I have met people who have changed their minds over and over again about who they think would be the next best head of this country.

Perhaps all the things we believe in changes when politics is discussed. Let’s hope not.

It takes all sorts of people to make the world go round, just as it takes all sorts of pet lovers to keep humane treatment of animals alive.

And so it is with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).

“We need to have a Filipino dog,” said Nita Lichauco, PAWS president, many, many years ago. “Our native breed dogs are such beautiful creations and they are among the most loving of dogs.”

Nita and PAWS have worked tirelessly at making sure that all animals, more so the native breeds, are treated humanely.

I have worked with Petlife since it started, which, if I am correct should be about seven or eight years ago. I have been writing about animals since 1996, when I got my first newspaper job at The Manila Times. 

 There are so many requirements that go into registering a breed in the American Kennel Club. And, to date, it seems that PAWS is still in the process of getting our Filipino dog accredited.

As we wait for that day, PAWS has continued to work for a greater appreciation for what it calls Aspins (Asong Pinoy) and Puspins (Pusang Pinoy). The campaign “Beauty Beyond Breed” has caught on and there are many more Pinoys who have taken to the idea of adopting a homeless Aspin or even raising one from puppyhood.

“You know, once you get to know and live with an Aspin it changes you,” said Dave Garcia, a newbie when it comes to dog love. “A dog, regardless of its breed, is a loyal and loving companion. And Aspins are such loving doggies that, if I could, I would pick all the strays I see around and take them home.”

“I have started taking care of three kittens which were delivered in our garage,” quipped Sarah Santos. “I can’t imagine life without them now. I like the independence of the kittens — and yet they love with all their hearts. There is really something different about raising Puspins that makes life more enjoyable.”

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In our home, Nonoy, one of our helpers, likes to feed the stray cats that come to the house in the afternoons. Actually, I think they come to the house because they know there is food to be had.

Whatever the case, the cats and kittens are always welcome. Our doggie companions have gotten used to the sight of the cats, that they only chase them when the cats start running. But, if the cats are sleeping under the car, or sitting quietly in a corner, my doggie companions leave them alone.

We can all really live together, to each his own space.

If only the country were the same.

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PAWS has tapped Heart Evangelista to spearhead their campaign for a better appreciation of the Aspin. Heart is a well-known TV personality. But, more importantly she is a great animal lover.

“Heart has visited the animal shelter a few times,” Anna said. “And, from her visits we could see someone who truly loves animals.”

During the shoot there was no denying that Heart was in love with the two Aspins. She let them play around in her condo unit. Heart and Aspins Sultana and Charles make a perfect trio.

Sultana is a cream-colored native pup with light-brown spots, while Charles is dark brown and wears a more serious expression as he has whiskers like a Schnauzer. Both dogs were in diapers. Heart also has three Cocker Spaniels Al, Davies and Kayla.

“They all get along well,” Heart said

It was big day for Sultana and Charles. They were chosen as the models for the PAWS Aspin Club, which will be launched on April 24 in Eastwood City.

Two years ago, Heart was the model and spokesperson for PAWS’ See Beauty Beyond Breed campaign. She agreed that there was a huge disparity over the way native dogs and purebred dogs were treated. The campaign aimed to uplift the image of the native dog and cats and had successfully converted the byword askal or asong kalye into the more politically correct term Aspin or Asong Pinoy.

 In the past, PAWS volunteer Nice Rodriguez, who owns a few Aspins, pointed out, “a lot of times, Aspin owners are intimidated about bringing their dogs to parks and malls because they feel their pets don’t fit in.”

“But all dogs need exercise and socialization. They need to be taken out for walks — no matter what their breed is,” said Heart.

 Heart is happy to be an endorser of the PAWS Aspin Club.

One of the objectives of the club is to dispel this double standard of dogs. Owners of native and mixed-breed dogs will be encouraged to proudly strut their mutts in Eastwood City and other pet-friendly places.

Of course, this also comes with a big reminder to Aspin guardians to be model pet owners by making sure that their pets are properly socialized and well-behaved, and to always bring a copy of their pets’ updated vaccination records wherever they go, in compliance with the Anti-Rabies Law.

And yes, picking up after one’s pet is part and parcel of being allowed to go to public places with your dog — be it a purebreed or an Aspin.

 In Heart’s household, all the pets are treated as part of the family.

The actress’ happy childhood memories revolve around growing up with dogs in their Cavite home.

Sultana and Charles are actually grandkids of one of the family’s first rescued dogs — a female canine they named Sassy.

Heart shared that Sassy had run limping into their house one day to seek refuge because some men attempted to slaughter her.

Heart’s dad, the family’s most outspoken animal advocate, promptly reported the would-be dog-killers to the authorities. This led to the closure of a nearby karaoke bar, which was notorious for serving dog meat in their area.

As Sultana and Charles were positioned on the couch for the shoot, it was obvious just how naturally the dogs had taken to the camera.

Charles assumed an “I-am-a-toy-dog-move-me-as-you-want” pose, while Sultana, the more playful of the two, could be coaxed to smile right after being given her favorite treat.

After photographer Jason Penaloza finished clicking the third layout, PAWS director Rich Ilustre patted the two canine models and called it a wrap. “This is, by far, the easiest shoot with animals that we’ve ever had!” he shared.

“My babies are all professionals,” Heart added with a laugh, but there was an undeniable hint of pride in her voice. She hugged Sultana and Charles for a job well done.

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For owners who want to pre-register their dogs, e-mail your name, address, contact details and pet name to

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The big general assembly will be at the PAWS Aspin Club launch in Eastwood City Central Plaza on April 24.

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