In photos and videos: Century Tuna kicks off ‘Saving Our Seas’ project with Superbods, volunteers

Century Tuna Ambassador Alden Richards was among the many superbods and volunteers who participated in Project SOS, or Saving Our Seas initiative.
Press Release

Century Tuna’s Project SOS: From lifeguard for people to lifeguard for the ocean against plastic pollution

MANILA, Philippines — How is a canned tuna saving the marine environment? For many years, a food and lifestyle brand has headlined summer campaigns with beautiful men and women helping health-conscious individuals switch to better options.

Now, from being a lifeguard for people, Century Tuna is becoming a lifeguard for the ocean.

In a country that shares an alarming amount of plastic waste to the ocean—generating 2.7 million metric tons of plastic every year—the brand believes it can provide an avenue where everybody can take part in saving our seas.

To spread awareness and encourage action in the community, Century Tuna is spearheading many initiatives on plastic pollution, starting with the recently launched Project SOS (Saving Our Seas).

This campaign partners with Plastic Credit Exchange and Aling Tindera, a waste-to-cash program where women-owned sari-sari stores become collection points for plastic waste.

Project SOS kicked off in Anilao, Batangas last March, with Century Tuna Superbods, influencers and volunteers joining the first of the many shore and reef clean-ups.

The objective is to collect 10 metric tons of plastic waste this year. Thus, the brand is also keeping an eye out on other clean-up efforts by different organizations and finding ways to support them.  

“We want everyone to join the Saving Our Seas campaign because we believe that plastic pollution prevention starts in our home. Through this campaign, we hope that everyone will take advantage of our Waste-to-Cash program and fully embrace the concept of plastic circular economy, where we ensure that no plastics will leak back to open environment as it will be recycled and disposed responsibly,” Carlo Endaya, Century Pacific Food Inc. vice president and general manager for Branded Tuna Business, said.

And here's what Century Tuna Superbods and influencers had to say during the event:

Tim Yap

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Nanette Medved-Po

Kirk Bondad

Michelle Arceo

Selena Reyes

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A post shared by Selena Antonio Reyes (@selenantonioreyes)

Kathleen Paton

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A post shared by Kathleen Paton (@kathleen_paton)

Samantha Ashley Lo

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A post shared by Samantha Ashley Villar Lo (@samantha_ashley_lo)

Robert Suntay

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A post shared by Robert Suntay (@robertsuntay)

“With the help of our fellow Filipinos, there is hope that we can save our planet and save our seas for our future generations,” Endaya ended.

The Saving Our Seas campaign is just the start of many other activities that Century Tuna has prepared to help save the planet and save the Philippines seas. Century Tuna is also gearing up to support sustainable cleanup efforts and initiatives of different organizations across the country.

More than the Saving Our Seas campaign, Century Tuna also commits to sustainable practices in its daily operations. Century Tuna has been a recognized and trusted tuna brand because it is all about building the equity of health and most importantly, being able to do it sustainably.

For instance, Century Tuna uses Skipjack Tuna, which is the most abundant of all major commercial tuna species due to its short gestation period and ability to reproduce easily. The brand also employs a sustainable fishing method that eliminates by-catch and juveniles, contributing to the conservation of marine life.

To know more about Century Tuna and how you can be part of the advocacy, visit and follow Century Tuna’s Facebook page, @centurytuna, Instagram @centurytunasuperbods, and the website.

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