
Pet Life

Oldest dog in the world celebrates 31st birthday

Kristofer Purnell - Philstar.com
Oldest dog in the world celebrates 31st birthday
The 30-year-old purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo named Bobi, the oldest dog in the world ever.
Guinness World Records

MANILA, Philippines — The Portuguese purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo named Bobi, who earlier this year was named by Guinness World Records (GWR) as the oldest dog in the world, extended his record after turning 31 a few days ago.

Bobi turned 31 last May 11 and celebrated it with a "very traditional" Portuguese party at his longtime home in Conqueiros, according to his owner Leonel Costa.

Over 100 people attended Bobi's birthday as they were all served local meats and fish, even Bobi who also participated with a performing dance troupe.

"We've had a lot of journalists and people come from all over the world to take a picture with Bobi," Leonel said about the months that followed Bobi's GWR recognition. "They've come from all over Europe, as well as the USA and even Japan."

Leonel also shared that he recently took Bobi to a veterinarian, despite the dog being in good health, out of concern Bobi may be experiencing stress from so many visitors.

RELATED: Meet Bobi, the new oldest dog in the world

"There were a lot of pictures taken and he had to get up and down many times. It wasn't easy for him," Leonel continued. "His health was a little damaged, but now it's better."

When Bobi was named by GWR as the oldest dog in the world last February, two weeks after the organization had recognized a different dog, he broke the nearly century-old record by Australian cattle-dog Bluey as the oldest dog ever.

Bobi nearly didn't survive childhood as his siblings were put down due to Leonel's family having too many animals already but he was luckily spared.

These days Bobi spends less time walking — his eyesight causes him to bump into objects — to instead lie in bed or by the fire and play with four cat friends in the backyard.

"Bobi is special because looking at him is like remembering the people who were part of our family and unfortunately are no longer here, like my father, my brother, or my grandparents who have already left this world. Bobi represents those generations," Leonel said back in February.

RELATED: Dog named a hero after saving heart attack victim

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