Gold-plated dildos swiped in Spain sex-toy heist

MADRID, Spain — Thieves stole eight deluxe dildos, six of them gold plated, from a Spanish sex-toy company, swiping premium pleasure products worth tens of thousands of euros, a sales executive said Friday.
Dreamlove's Idiared Aponte said that thieves forced their way into a warehouse at company headquarters, 10 kilometers east of the southern city of Seville, just before midnight on Wednesday.
The luxury line of vibrators includes a gold-plated version that retails at a starting price of between "15,000 to 16,000 euros" (P871,000 to P929,000), with the price escalating depending on size and functionality.
"They searched until they came across the secure area and found the gold dildos and a substantial sum of cash," Aponte said.
The perpetrators made off with "at least eight, two of which were of stainless steel while the rest were gold plated," she added.
Punters can expect to pay "between 3,500 and 7,000 euros (P203,000 and P406,000)" for the steel version, she said.
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The thieves also stole 25,000 euros (P1.45 million) in cash that had been stashed in a safe.
The intruders accessed the property by the main entrance after cutting power to nearby streetlights, she said. CCTV footage showed three black-clad masked men forcing their way in with a sledgehammer and an axe.
"As these are luxury sex toys and rare on the market, I don't think it will be very easy for the thieves to sell them on," Aponte said.
On its website, which is available in six languages, Dreamlove describes itself as a "pleasure products powerhouse" with more than 20,000 items in stock, ranging from toys and games to lingerie.
Founded in 2007 to supply clients in Spain and Portugal, it has since become the biggest Spanish distributor of sex toys which ships products all over the world.