Mrs. Sri Lanka World 2020 crown-snatching to end up in lawsuit

MANILA, Philippines — Contestant #20, Pushpika de Silva, was proclaimed Mrs. Sri Lanka World 2020 at the close of the pageant's ceremonies in the capital city of Colombo recently.
She was crowned and made her victory walk. Moments later, the outgoing queen, who crowned her a few minutes before, took away the same crown and gave it to the first runner-up.
"As for the new Mrs. World, there is a rule that you have to be married and not divorced. So, I'm taking my first step to say that the crown goes to the first runner-up," she declared to a clearly shocked audience, and went on to take off the crown from the newly crowned queen. The latter immediately left the stage after the embarrassing event.
The entire episode was captured live by the media agency Colombo Gazette, through its YouTube channel, and was posted online.
Acting like the new winner, the first runner-up instantly gave a speech. "First of all, I would like to thank the judges for the honor, and thanks too for (those) who helped me and who supported me in meeting my dreams. Thank you everyone. I would also like to do something for my nation. Winning the crown is not the end, but this is a new beginning of my career. I'm really glad. Thank you!"
If this were not a real pageant, we could say that this was a spoof of the 2015 Miss Universe crowning debacle. But since it is not, this will also be part of the books.
Fortunately, the organizers acted quickly and restored the crown to its rightful recipient.
"I know you are expecting my response to the unexpected incident that happened. Even though I have a lot to say, I will post only the essential things," wrote Pushpika on her Facebook account.
"Firstly, I would like to give my respect to the judges for choosing me as the winner of the 2020 married beauty queen crown. Secondly, I think, (this happened) for the first time in the history of beauty queens, not (only) in Sri Lanka but (also) in the world. Even though my crown has been snatched in front of everyone, insultfully, I would keep my head straight at this moment of writing and say that I am proud as before. Me, myself, and this is just another incident for me.
"The pain of my skull when my crown was snatched from my head by the (past) world married beauty queen, the pain I felt when I lost the crown is more than both...
"But this is a historical moment for me as a single woman, where women and men all over the world raise their voices behind party, color, religion, caste, and division. I say this love from all of you is a giant strength for me.
"On the other hand, I'm not a divorced woman. I say with great responsibility that I am not a divorced woman, even at this moment of writing. If I was divorced, I would dare them to submit the divorce scripts. I haven't hidden from the world that I'm with my child. I also have personal reasons to be that way. But, being apart (from my husband) is one. Divorce is something else. I'm still an undivorced woman!
"If I wasn't fit at the beginning of this tournament, they would have removed me. They weren't sleeping until I came so far, after the remaining events. I became the Sri Lankan beauty in the year 2011. Ten years later, last night, I was crowned the Sri Lankan married beauty queen by the decision of rhe judges. And at that moment, I became the married beauty queen in the hearts of all of you in Sri Lanka and the world," she continued.
De Silva, who needed hospital treatment after the incident, was named "Mrs. Sri Lanka" again at a smaller ceremony. She, however, still plans to file a case.
There may be hurts and bruised egos in this incident but like a Shakespearean drama, all's well that ends well.
"So, if that symbolic crown was snatched from my head, I've already passed the necessary legal action for that injustice and insult, I'm informing you. I say, a true queen is not a woman who snatches another woman's crown; but a woman who secretly sets another woman's crown!"