Artwork launches 5th design competition

MANILA, Philippines - T-shirt label Artwork recently launched its fifth annual tee-shirt design competition with a collection of limited-edition shirts featuring the work of graphic designers AJ Dimarucot and Nick Automatic (a.k.a. Nicolo Nimor), photography/design duo EverywhereWeShoot!, poster artist JP Cuison, and indie rock band Up Dharma Down.

Dimarucot and Nimor have extensive experience creating designs for T-shirts, with work sold on an international level through websites like Threadless and Design By Humans.

Cuison is known for gaily-colored pop art, and it’s nice to see EverywhereWeShoot!’s photos adorning a tee.

Up Dharma Down drummer Ean Mayor is a graphic designer by profession, and responsible for the notable packaging of the band’s last album.

The shirts were unveiled last Thursday at TriNoma, in an event where several silk-screening stations were set up, and Artwork employees at the ready.

The set-up attracted several onlookers, who were invited, along with guests, to watch as designs were transferred onto shirts and tote bags that Artwork provided.

Present were the designers of the limited-edition collection (dubbed “5 X 5”), who got tote bags printed up, while Up Dharma Down played a set to the eager crowd.

Vocalist Armi Millare was later seen wearing one of the shirts Mayor had designed.

Artwork’s designs have always gravitated toward — and indeed targeted — the young, and they’ve sought to encourage creativity in the youth with their annual design contest.

Five years on and the contest continues to spark the creative talents of those interested in seeing their art made wearable. Among the prizes to be won are an Apple MacBook laptop, as well as cash prizes, gift packs, and gift certificates.

The contest is open to anyone aged 13 to 30.

Deadline for entries is Oct. 20, 2011. To know more, go to

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