On the radar imagines ...

MANILA, Philippines - When someone talks about love, everybody listens. Perhaps, it is the enigma behind it or because everyone has their own story to share about love and everything in between. To talk about love is to talk about the things that make us smile, the beautiful memories worth recalling and the inspiration that comes with it. Be it the love for your country, for your family and friends, a new acquaintance or the love to see this world without borders. Such is the joy of this feeling and what better way to spread the love than to shout it to the whole world and let everyone know.

With the youth discovering the power of the blogs and social networking, they have found a new avenue to share their passions and aspirations thus inspiring other people to do the same. Recognizing this, Samsung launched a youth-oriented campaign, Samsung I Imagine to provide a stage where they can share their shout-outs about TALK, PLAY and LOVE. This campaign saw over 10,000 shout-outs posted by students at the website www.samsungimagine.com. Winners received P30,000 cash, cool gadgets from Samsung such as Samsung Corby mobile phone, Samsung CLP-315 printer, Samsung ST500 Dual LCD Camera, Samsung LapFit LD 190G monitor, 5 Samsung “I Imagine” hoodies, and P10,000 worth of gift certificates from Folded and Hung. The winning shout-outs will also be printed in Folded and Hung hoodies and will be available by January 2010 at select Folded and Hung Stores. Proceeds from the sales of these hoodies will be donated to Samsung Hope which will help send kids to school.

For the past weeks, ON THE RADAR turned the spotlight on Isabela Martinez from University of Sto. Tomas (UST) who won the TALK category with her shout-out, “I Imagine and I will make it happen” and Guille Francisco, also from University of Sto. Tomas (UST) who won in the PLAY category with his shout-out “I Imagine our generation united in one beat.” This week, we get to know Phil Jacinth Dayupay, 18 y.o. taking up Civil Engineering at Rizal Technological University as he reveals his inspiration behind his winning shout-out for the LOVE category, “I Imagine world peace in 3, 2, 1.”

What do you enjoy most about school?

Making friends above everything else. The mere fact that you get to know new people practically every semester and you have to get along with them is really fun.

What are the things you firmly believe in?

“The Golden Rule”. Basically because of its implication that you are what others do to you.

At this age, what do you think is life’s most important lesson? Why?

The only path is the only way. Most of us would hold back to something that we want because of fear of failure. We don’t want to venture into something unless we feel sure. But the real thing is, we’ve only got a path that we all have to take whether we like it or not. It’s just us who linger over all the things the world has to offer.

What are you most grateful for? Why?

I’m grateful for the good genes that I am made up of! I may not be perfect but I can humbly say I am one of the best.

Describe yourself in one word? Why?

I stay simple. No complexities, no worries.

What are the things you really enjoy?

Sweets. I just find it hard to imagine life without it.

How do you see yourself in 5 years?

Happy licensed civil engineer.

How did you know about the Samsung I Imagine Shout-out Making contest?

I saw it on TV. I thought the prizes are cool so I gave it a shot.

How did you come up with your statement? What was your inspiration?

I just decked the phrase ‘world peace’. I dealt about peace because it’s a very urgent issue around the world. I thought my statement would help in the advocacy of peace.

How important is it for the society to hear the voice of the youth?

It is through the voice of the youth, we hear new ideas, new inspirations and new challenges.

In your own little ways, how can you turn your imagination into reality?

Just spreading the love of God to everyone would make a world of total peace in 3, 2, 1. It is only us who do not know what the real essence of love is.

Describe the feeling when you learned that out of 10,000 entrants you won the contest:

It was a slo-mo moment! At first, I didn’t want to believe that I actually stood head and shoulders above all the other entrants. I mean looking at my entry that’s short and simple, it’s kind of hard to imagine that Samsung chose it. I wasn’t able to sleep well that night. It was a new feeling so it took me days to take it to be true. It was like a bull’s eye out of the six shots (entries) that I made.

How do you feel about the Samsung I Imagine campaign as an avenue for youth expression?

It’s just a superb idea to organize this kind of campaign. This serves as an amplifier for all the voices that long to be heard and listened to. I am so thankful that we were given the chance to say what’s on our minds and in our hearts. I hope this won’t be the the last!

To imagine is to believe and to believe is to let love reign over our hopes and dreams. Let Samsung and your imagination take you to where your heart dares to go. After all, everything begins with imagination.

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