Cyril: Simply magic

This Thursday, Nov. 19, so-called “Cyber Magician” and street illusionist Cyril will debut his biggest act yet: his first international TV special.

“Cyril: Simply Magic,” the AXN Original Production will mark the first time Cyril will be seen by a major audience outside of his home base of Japan, where he’s made his career these last few years. “Simply Magic” is a series of three one-hour specials airing weekly beginning Thursday at 9 p.m. It follows the success of TV specials from the likes of David Blaine, Criss Angel, the Masked Magician, and their Mondo Magic show.

I recently visited Singapore to get a live preview of one of the acts from “Simply Magic” at the Fountain of Wealth in Suntec City. The largest fountain in the world is an auspicious location to stage a magic act, and it features prominently in the forthcoming special. We watched as Cyril balanced himself on one leg at impossible, precarious angles, looking like he was reenacting the famous “bullet time” scene from The Matrix, except instead of dodging bullets he was dodging any fountain water-spray that might tousle his otherwise perfectly coiffed frosted locks.

He later delighted nearby audience members when bills of Singaporean dollars seemed to sprout willy-nilly from his palms.

Later us journalists got to talk to the man himself in a relaxed roundtable discussion, where he treated us to an impromptu display of practiced prestidigitation involving a cigarette and a necktie (that he knotted with one hand! I have difficulty with two!).The French-Japanese illusionist was born in Hollywood to beautician parents. In his teens he became a member of the “Magic Castle,” a renowned association of practicing illusionists. At 16, he went to Japan for the first time to find out more about his heritage. He ended up staying there when he fell in love with the country.

While Cyril has made a career for himself in Japan, he also made a name for himself internationally by winning several magic contests and receiving awards from various magic societies.

He has appeared on MTV’s scare show Room 401 and hosted the MTV Japan Music Video Awards last year.

He also appeared in the mixed martial arts film Redbelt, directed by David Mamet.In Japan, Cyril has done 15 two-hour specials in the last seven years and has traveled to more than 35 cities to perform live.

Here in Asia he’s considered a pioneer of “street magic,” performing for unsuspecting audiences he would encounter while walking around cities, but after several TV specials this became difficult as people began to recognize him and the crowds became unmanageable.

This is why, for recent productions, he’s had to disguise himself, particularly as an old man.His growing fame is largely due to the Internet, which is how he got the name “Cyber Magician.”

Some of his more famous acts include his “sneezing head,” where he sneezes so strongly it appears as though his head has fallen to his stomach, and “burger magic,” where he “takes” a very real hamburger picture which disappears from an outdoor menu, takes a bite and carefully puts it back into the menu, but here’s the twist: the picture of the burger now has a bite taken out of it.These tricks will not be in his latest special, because, as Cyril says, he doesn’t like to repeat himself. He doesn’t want to disappoint fans by simply rehashing past successes. He also thrives on the surprise of audiences when something unexpected happens.Of his latest special, he says, “I’ve been taken out of my element. Japan is my home, and going to countries I’ve never been to—Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan—is very challenging, because I didn’t know anything about these countries. We’re here on a very tight schedule and it’s an unscripted show. I don’t come here knowing what I’m shooting. I go to these places and it’s like a travelogue. It’s a magic program, but we really don’t know what’s going to happen.” Guess we’ll have to wait ‘til Thursday to find out.

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The 5th CinemaOne Originals Digital Movie Festival continues at Gateway until Tuesday. Catch Raymond Red’s first film in over 10 years, Himpapawid, on the 17th at 5:50 p.m. as well as Ray Gibraltar’s Wanted: Border [sic] on the 16th at 7:15 p.m.On Nov. 22, artist James Jean will be signing at Fully Booked High Street. There’s a contest running right now at the Uno magazine blog where you can win some of the books of the renowned cover painter of the comics series “Fables.”

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Go to but remember, deadline’s the 18th!And on Nov. 28, head over to Mag:net High Street for the album launch of Us-2 Evil-0’s debut LP, Dirty Debutantes! Ramon De Veyra blogs at

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