Kira's recipe for success

MILAN, Italy — Sitting in a room filled with Russian editors and celebrities at the hip bar and restaurant Lotus, I get the chance to meet Kira Plastinina, the 17-year-old Russian fashion prodigy who runs and designs her own namesake label.

With a lean frame, tanned skin and glossy, long brown hair, Plastinina commands a lot of attention, but there’s more than meets the eye. This “teen tycoon” also possesses loads of charm, enthusiasm, intelligence and a natural soulfulness that’s easy to recognize.

With a hundred stores all over Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in just three years, this grounded, young designer is truly in a league of her own.

In town for a short summer design course in renowned fashion school Istituto Marangoni, we inquire about what fills her daily life, what keeps her passionate about work, and ask her to share her recipe for sweet success. 

PHILIPPINE STAR: You became the world’s youngest fashion designer at 14. How does this make you feel?

KIRA PLASTININA: It feels great! I do what I love to do and always wanted to do! At first, I was a little anxious because of the great responsibility and all but now I feel much more confident in the world of fashion. I guess I’ve been able to find my own style and take on it. I continue to look for new ideas and inspirations and would like to become even better.

How did you get into fashion?

I’ve always enjoyed painting and drawing since childhood. I have not had any other dream than becoming a fashion designer.

Tell us more about the growing success of your stores.

First of all, we’ve been able to find and reach out to our customer. From the very beginning I have been creating apparel, shoes and accessories that I would love to wear myself. It’s quite important to me that when customers come to my style studios, they not only buy just a dress or a pair of jeans, but a fresh and trendy total look.

What’s a typical day like for you and how do you juggle work with school?

My schedule is pretty tight but I manage to do a lot of things. I get up at 7:30 in the morning, have breakfast and go to school. After classes, at around 3.30 p.m., I go to work or do some interviews. I leave the office at around 8-9 p.m. I do my homework on the way home in the car because of the traffic in Moscow. My life is thoroughly pre-planned.

What’s your fashion philosophy?

Fashion is something that can totally change people. It can help them create new images and discover something for themselves they’ve never thought before.

Describe your personal style and how this translates to your designs.

I would describe my personal style as a “romantic tomboy.” I like to mix different styles and silhouettes, be it soft and provocative, feminine or daring. If we talk about the “Kira Plastinina” style, I would prefer to work in different directions. Any woman who comes to my store can find anything they want. This is very important to me.

What is your target market?

My customer is a youthful, daring and cheerful girl who values herself on having her own sense of style. She likes to play with different looks and images, mixing and matching pieces, and absolutely adores reading fashion magazines. This girl goes to school or a university and prefers buying apparel, shoes and accessories at affordable prices.

I also have created a high-end line, which is called Kira Plastinina Lublu. It’s more for grown-ups who value quality and exclusivity. They know exactly what they want and they love trying new and edgy looks.

Tell us something about your upcoming collection.

My fall/winter ’09-’10 collection is performed in punk-rock stylistics. The collection’s heroine is a sassy and flamboyant girl who loves partying in glamorous clubs. She is an open and a very confident person who can easily say “no” to what she doesn’t like.

One of the collection’s main materials is imitation leather mixed with silk and knitwear. Main colors are black, gray, coral and green.

This season, I’ve paid special attention to shoes and accessories. I’ve included open-toe bottillions, high boots with a shaped heel, and leatherette bags with chains in the mix.

What inspired this collection?

 I’m listening to a lot of music…

 Any particular influences in your designs?

I can’t actually name any particular person or thing. Of course, like any other human being I’ve been and still am influenced by lots of different things. But I believe that what’s most important is to not lose yourself in your creative work and imagination.

What is your favorite design from past or present collections?

It’s really difficult to choose one specific item to call my favorite, as I consider all of them “my children.” Therefore, I love all of them equally. But if I had to choose, I especially love the jersey dress with drapes that I showed on my last fashion show.

Who are the celebrities associated with your brand?

Paris Hilton had supported me at my spring/summer ’08 fashion show in Moscow, and Nicole Richie, who I got acquainted with in Los Angeles last summer, came for the Kira Plastinina Lublu launch this winter.

What are your plans for the future? Will you still be studying fashion design when you get to college?

As of now, I have one more year at Anglo-American school in Moscow. But sure, I’m going to continue studying design. I also want to get a business degree as I am planning to combine creativity with commercial activities in the future.

Any plans on visiting the Philippines anytime soon?

Of course! I’m planning to visit your beautiful country this fall. So, I hope to see you all soon!

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Kira Plastinina is now open in Manila. Visit the flagship store on the 2nd level SM Megamall or go to

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