Happy Ongpauco-Tiu and Tweetie de Leon-Gonzales on what makes them happy

MANILA, Philippines -Beauty, excellence and passion are at the core of the lives of self-accomplished women Happy Ongpauco-Tiu and Tweetie de Leon-Gonzales. Both are respected and influential individuals in their chosen fields. Happy is a celebrated chef and entrepreneur who owns various specialty restaurants that include World Topps, Bento Box, and Pamana Restaurant in Tagaytay — another feat for the clan who started the Barrio Fiesta chain in the country. Tweetie, on the other hand, is a household name in the fashion industry and is now a renowned jewelry designer whose creations have landed in Paul Smith stores worldwide. Always on the go and in constant search of new ways to improve their craft, Happy and Tweetie easily fall under the category of focused, career-oriented women. However, both ladies proudly admit that their top priority is still and will always be their family.

“Family first, always. Whatever I can give, I will give,” Tweetie shared. “And I will give the best, not in terms of expenses, but the best of my time and the best of my abilities as a mom. A big part of my life is them.”

At home, they take on a much-challenging and cherished role — being a mom. And just like any doting wife and loving mother, Happy and Tweetie transform their kitchens into a stage where they express their love by serving the best healthy dishes for their families.

“By the time the kids are home from school, I spend time with them. It is usually during dinner that I get to talk to them about their day — what happened in school and with their friends. For me, quantity is quality. Spending as much time with them as possible is important to me,” Tweetie said.

“I have three kids: a nine-year-old, a one-year and seven-month-old. So it’s kind of chaotic. My husband likes to challenge me. Because he knows I come from a family that owns Filipino restaurants, he doesn’t want me to cook international dishes. It’s fun because I am able to experiment and continue to learn. Sometimes I use different ingredients to come up with an improved version of a comfort dish,” Happy shares.

Both moms are serious about food preparation and are very discerning with all the components that may affect their dishes. As a chef, Happy is careful when it comes to the ingredients of the food she serves her family and clients. It is not just the cooking techniques that matter. It also boils down to the ingredients. Only the freshest will do — that is her rule. Tweetie shares the same sentiments as healthy eating is an important lifestyle she has been teaching her kids. They have both found a partner in Sub-Zero Refrigerators to satisfy their kitchen needs.

“Aside from ingredients, kitchenware and appliances affect the outcome of the food you serve. That’s why I like Sub-Zero. My Sub-Zero refrigerator has extended the shelf life of the ingredients crucial to my cooking. From milk down to vegetables and fruits — all these really last longer in a Sub-Zero compared to a normal refrigerator,” Happy said.

Sub-Zero has been the food preservation specialist since the 1940s. It perfectly understands the preservation requirement of each food type — frozen foods need frigid, dry air, while fresh foods need chilly, humid air. It ensures the most optimal temperature set points by treating the refrigerator and freezer as two separate and sealed compartments, each with its own compressor. Air between the two is never shared; ensuring that your frozen foods last longer and your greens stay fresher.

For a food expert like Happy, these innovations are important in ensuring the quality of the food she cooks. It also doesn’t hurt that her Sub-Zero makes a proud statement in her home. Happy’s Sub-Zero Built-In Refrigerator easily becomes the focal point of her kitchen with its iconic steel doors and louvred grille — an undeniable combination of industrial chic chef Happy could not resist.

It was also love at first sight for Tweetie and her Sub-Zero Integrated Refrigerator — a line of refrigerators designed to seamlessly camouflage itself with the rest of the kitchen cabinetry.

“People can pass by and not notice that it’s a fridge.  It’s like part of the wall or a (piece of) furniture. That’s what I love about the design of my Sub-Zero,” Tweetie gushed. “The kitchen is where we spend most of our time so it’s quite important that it’s spacious and neat. I really don’t like clutter, especially in the house. I like everything clean and discreet in every way.”

Aside from ensuring that the contents of her pantry are kept fresh, Sub-Zero Integrated Refrigerator’s neat and modern look is her favorite. It has definitely passed Tweetie’s standards; she considers form and function as two equally important features of any product. Moreover, it perfectly fits her kitchen, which also serves as the family bonding room.

“Sub-Zero really caters to the home and to the look of the house. It’s easy to use. I’m just in love with it,” Tweetie said.

For Happy and Tweetie, who devote everything to their family, this superior quality control and performance are of utmost importance. Their Sub-Zero Refrigerators perform to perfection, easily topping the list of appliances they trust.

Happy shares, “A Sub-Zero refrigerator may cost more but it’s worth every centavo as it keeps food fresh longer and withstands the demands of a busy kitchen like mine. Investing in a Sub-Zero is one of the best decisions I ever made.”

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