3M & Haribon plant trees today

MANILA, Philippines - The company 3M Philippines is holding its first tree planting activity today, Oct. 8, at Tanay Rizal. Early this year, 3M launched an “adopt-a-seedling” initiative among its employees, allowing them to buy native seedlings that will later be planted. “The number of seedlings adopted by the employees will then be matched by 3M and today they will plant 1,250 seedlings,” says Nene Amen, corporate marketing manager of 3M Philippines.

“We are looking forward to getting our hands dirty for this. The employees and some of their family members are in fact looking forward to the tree planting activity!” she says.

Joining 3M is Haribon Foundation in this effort to reduce everyone’s environmental footprint, as well as to send a message to everyone that it’s not too late to save our forests. Haribon Foundation is an organization that is in the forefront of environmental and wildlife protection and conservation in the Philippines.

The tree planting activity is a display of 3M’s commitment to its partnership with Haribon Foundation. It aims to help restore one million hectares of the Philippine’s rainforests, and today’s tree planting activity is just a portion of its overall efforts to achieve this goal. 3M believes that bringing back the abundance of trees in the country’s rainforests will help solve the environmental problems that we are currently experiencing, and will provide us protection against heavy rains, storms, flashfloods, and landslides.

The company captures the spark of new ideas and transforms them into thousands of ingenious products. The company’s culture of creative collaboration inspires a never-ending stream of powerful technologies that make life better. 3M is the innovation company that never stops inventing. It employs about 80,000 people worldwide and has operations in more than 65 countries. For more information, visit www.3M.com/ph or follow @3MNews on Twitter.

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