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Piolo & KC's guide to having the perfect Century bod |

Modern Living

Piolo & KC's guide to having the perfect Century bod


MANILA, Philippines - Keep a healthy diet. Believe it or not, Piolo maintains his body without dieting but he is cautious about what he puts into it. Like most of us, he loves to eat but makes sure that he regulates his food intake. He does not eat rice, pork and beef. And as a delicious and healthy alternative aside from fruits, salads, fish and vegetables, there’s always Century Corned Tuna. It goes well with sandwiches, pasta or other yummy eats, you just have to be creative. The wholesome choices are endless!

Concentrate. Piolo is intense about his workout as he is about the other things in his life. And by intense, he means giving your full concentration when you work out. KC couldn’t agree more. You must unleash that passion. That way you achieve your fitness goals better.

Take good care of both your body and soul. Keeping a sound spirit does great wonders for the body. Piolo, for example, sets Monday as his day for fasting, a practice he observes for spiritual reasons but which also helps him physically according to him. It may sound tough but it’s all a matter of reconnecting with your inner self, having a sense of discipline.

Take everything in moderation. Both KC and Piolo enjoy working out but never in excess. Actually, it’s Piolo’s rule for everything he does. Piolo uses free weights of up to 25 pounds each and doing circuit training on his home gym at night or on his free days. But since his goal is simply to keep fit and maintain a well-toned figure, he is careful to avoid weights that are too heavy so he won’t bulk up. It’s great to work hard but not to the point of straining yourself.

Let it come out naturally and seek for your own adventure. Make sure you enjoy keeping a healthy, active lifestyle. Go out and try out different stuff. KC has done yoga, brisk walking and dance workouts; Piolo is into diving, running, biking and has even gone bungee jumping. Sports and working out have become part of the power couple’s lifestyles, especially Piolo who has even explored competitive sports. Find those things that you love doing and will make you feel full and happy as a person. At the end of the day, it’s what matters most.

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