The spirit of Christmas shines through

It’s my favorite time of the year. With Christmas definitely in the air, homes, shopping malls, and events are a feast for the senses. So it was with great delight that I attended the 15th Annual Festival of Trees themed “What a Wonderful World” on Nov. 23 at the Manila Polo Club.

Christmas in the Philippines is always a paradox. We rejoice during the Christmas season because Christmas is a happy time, but we are at the same time aware of the suffering of many around us, and we know that Christmas can be truly joyful if as a community we join efforts to better each other’s lives. Thus, the efforts of causes such as the Festival of Trees are well-appreciated as people see themselves making a difference while at the same time enjoying the festivity the season brings — a true celebration of Christmas spirit.

For this year’s Festival of Trees, honorary chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan invited some of the Philippines’s best artists to decorate a dining table each and transform the ballroom into an expression of beauty and color.

Designed by Marilou Laurena, this modern Japanese table has orchid flowers and Japanese tableware and red hats.

Every table was a testament to the creative genius of the artist behind it. The Paskong Pilipino Table by Tesoro’s was adorned with angels and trees. Architect Jason Buensalido did a sculptural sunflower and tree-inspired abstract centerpiece surrounded by colorful chairs from Moroso. Cynthia Almario’s was an exquisite Asian porcelain figurine display with white orchids. Ruby Diaz Roa used auspicious Chinese green dragon and gold bowl and plate set. Sonya Garcia had na English-themed table using beautiful flowers and tea sets. Lory-vi Valdes used poinsettias as her theme. Flor Tariela and Robert Blancaflor’s table was called “No Filipino Should Be Hungry” and featured fresh plants. Josephine Knox evoked luxurious gems in her design. Linda Miranda drew inspiration from Spain as her table used colorful fans and red tableware. Marilou Laureana did a modern Japanese table using orchid flowers and Japanese tableware and hats. Suman Gogna had an Indian-themed table called “Gift of the Maharani,” using flowers and peacock feathers.

All the table displays evoked the feeling of joy and spirit of the season.

Flor Tariela and Robert Biancaflor use fresh greens and beautiful plants for their “No Filipino Should Be Hungry” table.

The night, however, was not just art for art’s sake, but also emphasized the beauty of giving. The Festival of Trees is among the country’s top fundraising galas, and has raised close to a hundred million pesos to date. Among projects supported are programs in Cebu Hillylands, Maqueda Bay, Mindanao and the Bicol region. This year is particularly special as it marks the joint Ruby anniversaries of the Makati Garden Club (MGC) and the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP).

This year’s cause is something that all of us can personally identify with. In his inspirational message, PBSP chair Manuel V. Pangilinan pointed out his objective of preventing another flooding tragedy by reforesting 9,000 hectares of the Marikina Watershed, which has been ravaged by illegal logging.

“Last year, when typhoon Ondoy wreaked havoc on the lives and livelihood of the people east of Metro Manila, we witnessed how the private sector further opened its heart and showed its human face in the various river rehabilitation and post-disaster recovery efforts in the typhoon’s aftermath,” Pangilinan said.

Architect Jason Buensalido’s sculptural centerpiece is based on the physicality of a tree, whose often expansive canopy rests precariously on a single point where its trunk meets the ground. The Little Albert chairs were provided by Moros, lighting by Phillips, Thompson lighting, and Color Kinetics, and the centerpiece by Gama Constrcut.

Makati Garden Club president Maria Luisa Perez-Rubio further explained, “Whatever we take from this earth, we need to give back, to maintain that precious ecological balance. By planting trees in this devastated area, we reinforce our mission, improve the health of our national forests and help reduce climate change impacts.”

Josephine del Gallego Knox, assistant co-chair of this year’s festival, was again a gracious and elegant force encouraging guests to generously support the annual festival’s fundraising activities such as the silent auction.

Christmas is about giving, true. But more than that, it’s the season that brings out the best in people.

In this year’s Festival of Trees, everything and everyone had a special sparkle. The talent on display was breathtaking. The music by the Company and Repertory Philippines awe-inspiring. The ballroom of the Manila Polo Club was at its best. The crowd was enthusiastic and involved. The country stands a bit taller for the next typhoon, where hopefully there will be less suffering and more hope. Planting more trees literally creates a more wonderful world.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, indeed.

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For inquiries about the Festival of Trees, call 527-7741 to 48, e-mail or log on to

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