The power of snakes

I have always had a fascination for snakes," says Gabby Licauco, Powerbooks general manager. "It is the Boa Constrictor that appeals to me the most."

Gabby, 28, has been working at Powerbooks for the past seven years. His love affair with snakes began even before his employment at the family-owned bookstore.

This 28-year-old’s love affair with snakes began in high school. His buddy from school had a snake, and Gabby would spend time at his friend’s house getting to know more about the reptile.

Tequila was the name of the first Boa Gabby owned.

How did he tell his parents, Mitto and Bak Licauco, that he had purchased a pet snake?

"It was not hard. I just told my mom that I got a pet and then I dropped Tequila on the table," laughs Gabby. His mom was not shocked with Tequila, but the Boa was not allowed to stay in the house because his sister, Trina, was about to give birth. So, off it was for Tequila to the home of Gabby’s friend.

Gabby blames himself for the death of Tequila, which escaped from its aquarium and hid in the cabinet. The helper at his friend’s house, unaware that the Boa was inside, locked the cabinet. Of course, Tequila died from starvation.

Diego is the new resident Boa in the Licauco home. He is a year and a half old and is six feet long. "The perfect size," shares Gabby.

And this time around, Gabby says, there are going to be no mistakes in the care of his Boa because Diego stays in a 50-gallon aquarium in his room.
Books Are Great Teachers
Gabby says that he learned a lot about reptiles, Boas in particular, from books. He found it lots of fun running around National Book Store in Glorietta with his folks when he was younger. Although he was never asked to work for the popular bookstore chain during summers, he got lots of opportunities to read whenever they would visit. He recalls how his family would spend mealtimes together discussing the business.

"Powerbooks was started by my sister Trina Licuaco-Alindogan and my cousin Xandra Padilla, " says Gabby. "At the time, 11 years ago, we were the first one to open a specialty bookstore hereabouts."

Today, there are other bookstores that offer the same kind of bookstore experience as Powerbooks, a development that Gabby welcomes. The competition, he says, keeps them on their toes and keeps them always looking for better books and services to offer their customers.

National Book Store will always be the yardstick that Gabby uses to measure the success of running a bookstore, but Powerbooks looks to entertain a different clientele. "National is always so full of people and it is a very busy kind of bookstore," says Gabby. "Powerbooks offers a more quiet atmosphere where customers can spend the day browsing through their favorite books."

‘Nuff said.

Read on and let Gabby and Diego entertain you.

Why the interest in snakes?

I have always had an interest in reptiles, especially since when I was younger, I was so frightened by them. I am a believer that the best way to overcome a fear of anything is to try it once, and then you will be healed. Just like me and reptiles.

What kind of books do you read?

I have learned to love reading more now that I am older. We were encouraged to read when we were kids but I learned to appreciate reading when I got older. I love reading business books. Although I do also make time to read a lot of pet books.

What do you and Diego enjoy doing together?

I love giving Diego a bath. I bathe him at least once a week. Diego is very magulo when I am giving him a bath, because he is still a baby snake. He doesn’t really like being given a bath, but I want him to be clean because he stays in an aquarium in my room.

Do you let Diego crawl free in the garden?

No. I never let Diego crawl on the grass. I always keep him in my room, on my bed, or on my table. I want him always clean.

What kind of soap do you use on Diego?

I use Dove soap when I bathe Diego. It is the same soap that I use.

Does Diego love to roam around your room?

Diego moves around a lot, which is why before I go to bed, I make sure he is in his aquarium.

How do you play with Diego?

When I get home from work, I take him out of the aquarium and let him slither all over me. I find this very relaxing after a hard day at work.

What do you enjoy about snakes?

When I was a kid, I was really afraid of snakes. And then I went to a zoo and I was able to touch a snake — after that my fear disappeared. I like the texture of snakes. I used to think that snakes really looked slimy and dirty. But I found out when I touched one that it was clean and smooth.

What kind of personality does a snake have?

A snake is very strong in terms of its features, but deep inside it can be one of the gentlest creatures around.

How did you convince your parents to let you have a snake at home?

At the start, everyone in my family was shocked and afraid of snakes. But after a while, they grew fond of Tequila, my first snake. When I got Diego, my parents were no longer afraid of snakes. They touch him and they allow me to let him crawl around the house. They also watch him when he is feeding.

What does Diego eat?

Live chicken. When I got Diego, he was three feet long. That was a year and a half ago. At that time, he would eat live day-old chicks. I kept feeding him every other day because I wanted him to get bigger. He is the perfect size now. He is six feet long and he is a year and a half old. He eats one chicken a week.

Do you feed Diego yourself?

I buy five-day-old chicks and I care for them until they are the right size for Diego to eat. I feed the chicks well so that I can make them grow bigger. And when they are the right size, I feed them to Diego.

How does Diego kill its prey?

Boa Constrictors have no venom. They kill their prey through strangulation. The Boa first bites its prey, and then strangles it. It takes about a minute before its prey dies after the bite and the strangulation. I tried to feed Diego a dead chicken once, but he did not want to eat it. He prefers to eat live chickens. He swallows his prey whole, and then after that he sleeps for a few days.

Has Diego ever been sick?

There was a time when he was not feeling well and he did not bother with the chick I had dropped in his cage. Diego stayed in one corner and the chick was moving around and stepping on him but he did not do anything. But, when I came home the next day the chick was gone. I guess he felt better already.

Do you take Diego to the vet?

Yes, I do. The vet specializes in reptiles. I don’t see any other pets when I go there.

Do you believe when people say that we are a reflection of the pets we have?

Yes. I think that Diego and I are similar in that when I need to be strong, I can be. But I am also very gentle when I must be. Diego is malambing also, just like me.

Are snakes high-maintenance pets?

Snakes are very low-maintenance. All you have to do is give them a bath. If you are busy, they don’t demand any attention from you. But if you want to play with them, they are there.

If you could have a pet other than a snake, what would it be?

A baby cub or an iguana.

What advice can you give to people who want to own snakes?

Respect your pet, especially if it is a snake. It still has its animal instincts. It will bite if it feels threatened. You have to care for them. If I wanted to convince someone to like a snake, I would introduce them to Diego, but I would not force them to touch or play with him. Maybe just to look at him and hopefully they will see how nice a snake he really is.

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