Do you have a problem that you are keeping to yourself? Studies show that food has a numbing effect and can help a person escape from feelings he/she doesnt like. Seeing a therapist to help you with your pent-up feelings and to understand the role that food is playing in your life could be helpful. Or maybe, you got so used to eating a lot it has become a habit. And now that you are older, your metabolism has slowed down and you are not too active, the calories are resulting in weight gain. Or perhaps you are taking some medication that make you eat a lot. All these factors have to be considered and only you can answer them. A good goal is to get the eating under control and start paying attention to the STOP signal. Eating healthy foods is a good start. Chewing your food well and eating slowly could be helpful. When the urge to eat comes, do another activity instead to get your mind off eating. Theres a book you must read: Overcoming Binge Eating by Dr. Christopher Fairburn. Get it from if the local bookstores dont have it.
Innocent Third Party
Your once-upon-a-time close friend is now hostile and jealous and considers you a big threat. The fact that you were his friend before she was his girlfriend does not help the situation any. She is trying to tell you to leave her boyfriend alone. You are witnessing what a triangle can do to an otherwise rational human being. And as long as you keep seeing her boyfriend alone, even as a friend, she will act like a jealous bitch. You cant reason with a jealous person. You could keep seeing them separately and let her steam with jealousy but if I were you, I wouldnt do that. Triangles tend to spin out of control and you may get entangled in an ugly scenario that the three of you will regret later. The more reasonable approach is to bow out. Accept the situation and let him have her. The conflict is between you and your girlfriend and theres not a lot your male friend can do without jeopardizing his relationship with her. So leave them alone and he will not notice your absence much because thats how guys are. What he will notice is the peace that your absence will create in his relationship with his girlfriend. And she will appreciate you more for respecting her wishes.
Of course, not everyone agrees on what makes one lover amazing and another abysmal. I had a survey among my married friends (one of them has been married three times) they came up with eight commandments and these could be your guidelines when you decide on Mr. Right.
1. He is super-observant. A great lover doesnt make love to you as if youre a generic woman; he talks to you and finds out what you want.
2. He s a good talker. Great sex goes way beyond the physical. A truly amazing lover stimulates your mind and emotions. He tells you that you are beautiful from head to toe and you believe him. He makes you feel sexy and desirable which turns you on that much more.
3. He has great hands. Fingertips to palms, he understands the power of touch and lets his fingers do the talking. He knows when to be firm and when to be gentle.
4. Hes familiar with female anatomy. He slowly but surely finds the right spots to stimulate and does so in a way that makes you relax and fully enjoy the experience.
5. Hes excited by you. A great lover is fully satisfied only when you are satisfied. Its your enjoyment that is more important to him.
6. He kisses well and a lot. He knows when to shower you with light kisses and when to plant a deep and passionate one. He also knows that a kiss is not meant for lips alone!
7. Hes imaginative. He conjures up fantasies but understands and respects your limits. You know that his sexy ideas are for the two of you to enjoy and connect with each other.
8. He makes you the star of the show. During your intimate moments, he cant keep his eyes off you. He wants to touch you and hold you even after its over. Its intense, flattering and unforgettable. Simply put, a bad lover is the exact opposite of whats listed above. Its up to you what to choose.