How to deal with Menopause, Perimenopause: Doctor shares 3 tips

MANILA, Philippines — Menopause is a natural process all women go through.
It may be daunting, but it is better if the anxiety is channeled into getting prepared for the years leading to it.
Menopause actually refers to the end of the menstrual period. Gynecologist and female wellness advocate Dr. Annebelle Aherrera said Menopause is diagnosed when a woman’s menses has not occured from six to 12 consecutive months.
While many have come to know it as Menopause, but it actually has phases that could last five to 10 years and can begin at 40 years old. The phase is called Perimenopause, and women can experience symptoms such as hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal dryness, irregular menstrual periods, moodiness, and weight gain. There are some who do not manifest these symptoms, save for irregular menstrual period.
While this is inevitable for women, the doctor said that there are ways to look at it at the brighter side of things.
1. Knowledge is power and is the only power that can see you through this journey
The doctor said it is important to be candid about how one feels about the process.
“Everyone goes through the same situation but in different degrees and in different ways but basically you are not alone. Try to watch out for most common signs and symptoms you have, so you can take steps to prevent or treat them,” Dr. Aherrera said.
2. Embrace your age gladly
Age is just a number, the doctor said. With aging, physical changes are expected.
“You must accept these seemingly harrowing intimate dysfunctions that you may experience. There are solutions to these experiences. Remember, these experiences never get old. Consider it simply, a way of life. They just happen to exist and all we need to do is to welcome it,” she said.
3. Aging is inevitable
As pointed out earlier, humans' natural progression is aging and with it comes the expected changes.
“You can start changing the ending of your lives and believe that the best is yet to come. The quality of your life belongs only to you — as the choice is always been yours. This is your new found freedom,” she noted.
Dr. Aherrera gave the following tips for women going through Perimenopause and Menopause in an email interview with The doctor was among the panelists at the "Don't Pause for Menopause" forum last year held by advocacy-based skincare and wellness brand ProAge.
1. See the doctor
Regular visits to the doctor for checkups is a must, even if one does not feel anything. It is important to get an overall status of one’s health.
2. Change lifestyle
If one has mostly been sedentary or avoiding physical activities, then it is about time to move. A good circulation through regular exercises is a must.
“Don’t feel under pressure to take up a specific sport but remain active. A simple half-hour walk with a friend or neighbor will help to maintain social connections and get the blood flowing,” the doctor advised.
3. Laughter is the best medicine
As cliche as it might sound, but the doctor believes in the power of laughter.
“We all need a good laugh. The louder you laugh, the more days you add to your life,” she said, adding that laughter helps boosts the immune system, mental alertness, improves blood circulation, and gives inner peace.
On the social side, laughter lets one’s creativity flourish and connects one to a network of people, including friends, co-workers and acquiantances.
“Laughter takes you to a higher place where you can view the world from a more relaxed, positive, and joyful perspective,” she said.
“Start planning for 60 at 40! Taking steps to improve your health and finances at the earliest stage will help to prepare you for a relaxing and enjoyable life in your 60s and beyond,” Dr. Aherrera ended.
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