MANILA, Philippines — January is a big month for everyone as it signals fresh starts and new beginnings, but in the Philippines, being the coldest month, it has its drawbacks.
Many individuals have to deal with allergies and runny noses, others bearing itchy throats to belatedly welcome the new year.
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Though medicines are always surefire methods to getting better, here are some do-it-yourself remedies one can also try at home to resolve those sore throats.
Gargling with saltwater or baking soda
Saltwater is a tried and tested home remedy for sore throat as it reduces inflammation, helps thin mucus, and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
The recommended "dosage" is 1/2 teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water, gargling twice a day or as suggested by the American Osteopathic Association at least once an hour.
On a similar note, baking soda or sodium bicarbonate has an alkaline effect that neutralizes acids in the mouth, therefore helping ward off infection and protect against inflammation.
Soup, tea
Another reliable home remedy is pouring a hot cup of tea (preferably herbal and without caffeine) or sipping a bowl of hot soup.
A review in 2023 found that chamomile powder helps relieve inflammation in the eyes, nose, and throat, adding to studies about chamomile tea having anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties.
An even older study that was updated in 2020 doubled down on the health effects of consuming chicken soup.
As researched by two scientists in a study published in "Nutritional Modulators of Pain in the Aging Population," honey is beneficial as an antiinflammation, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antimutagenic.
That is on top of the medicinal values of honey's protein, amino acid, flavanoids, phenolics, organic acid, pigment, water, and high sugar content.
A 2021 review found honey to be as effective as the cough suppressant dextromethorphan at taming coughs in kids.
It's recommended to a mix a spoon of honey with a squeeze of lime or lemon or as a replacement for sugar when drinking herbal tea.
A 2020 literature review looked into the antiviral potential of garlic as it contains allicin which can fight off viral infections, while an earlier article says taking garlic supplements daily can help prevent and treat upper respiratory tract infections that could cause a sore throat.
Adding garlic to one's diet is a change in itself, but if one decides to chew or suck on a garlic clove, individuals should also remember to brush their teeth.
Outside of ingesting options, having a humidifier in the room moisturizes one's nose and throat to make it more comfortable to breathe.
Running a humidifier at night, with some drops of essential oil, while sleeping will keep the room moisturized while one rests.
People can make their own mini-sauna as a remedy for sore throats.
Pour boiling water into a bowl, drape a towel over one's head above the bowl, and breathe normally for 10 to 15 minutes.
It also won't hurt to have a hot bath afterwards so that the body really gets to feel all the warmth.
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