Georgina Wilson advises fellow moms: 'Your body is intelligent. Listen to it!'

MANILA, Philippines — If there's anyone who knows what she is talking about staying fit and healthy while managing a demanding business with several branches, it is model-entrepreneur Georgina Wilson. 

After having three kids, all in their toddler years, and co-founding the lifestyle brand Sunnies Studios in 2013, it is safe to say that Georgina speaks about maintaining good health based on her experience. 

So, how does a busy mom of three takes care of her household and her role as brand director of Sunnies Studios?

"I know what my body needs and I really think you should listen to your body. Sometimes, we get so caught up with everything that we need to do, but your body is so intelligent. It can tell you that it's time to rest, to calm down. As a mom, I think you really need to be smart about the decisions you make in a day," said Georgina in an exclusive sitdown interview organized by Promil and Wyeth Philippines Inc. for's Lifestyle and Entertainment show "Slam Book."

Her pieces of advice are not breakthrough; in fact, several famous people and even everyday people ascribe to the motto of "Eat healthy and stay active." 

Wilson added that joining parenting groups and reading articles on raising kids, taking educational classes, as well as supplementing her kid’s diet with Promil have helped her and her kids.

For Georgina, these are quite manageable. Check out how she does these with these tips:

1. Wake up early and walk around your neighborhood. 

Georgina attested to the power of 40 minutes of exercise by walking in the morning. She said that it helps you get your daily dose of Vitamin D, which is an essential vitamin that helps supports healthy bones, manage calcium levels, reduce inflammation and support the immune system and glucose metabolism. 

2. Eat right!

The model entreprenuer stressed that the Philippines is not lacking in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, thus moms or everyone in general should not find it difficult to eat a balanced diet. 

"I believe in eating right. I am a huge proponent of nutrition. I believe every bite counts so don't eat the wrong things," she said. 

It is also important for her case because she needs to be in top shape due to the demands of her work and her family life that can easily deplete her energy. 

3. Sleep the right way. 

It's a no brainer, but Georgina believes this should be among the top lists simply because the body needs its rest to recharge for another day's worth of activities. 

"I also really do believe, do the right amount of sleep. My brain doesn't work when I don't sleep right. So, be in bed by 10 p.m. For me, it's eight hours," she said. — Produced by Rose M. Afinidad-Bernardo; Photo, video by Andaya

RELATED: Georgina Wilson to fellow 'mompreneurs': Learn to delegate, be efficient

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