How to protect kids vs inappropriate online content: UNICEF gives tips

MANILA, Philippines — Is your child safe from all of his logging hours on the Internet?
Do you feel uneasy with all the time she has to spend on the Web for her online classes or while she's catching up with her friends?
Recent studies on child exposure on the Internet have been not comforting. In 2015, the National Baseline Survey (NBS) on Violence Against Children (VAC) revealed that one out of five children ages 13 to 17 experienced physical sexual violence in the Philippines, while half experienced online violence such as online sexual violence or online bullying.
As reported by the Department of Justice – Office of Cybercrime based on the data forwarded by the US-based National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, there was a 209% increase in the cyber tip reports for the Philippines, from January to December 2020 (1,294,750 cyber tips) compared to 2019 (418,422 cyber tips), coinciding with the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is without a doubt that it is not always possible to be by your kid's side whenever she logs in. It may be risky but there are ways to lessen her exposure to all the "bad elements" lurking on the Internet.
Here are several smart ways to shield your child from sexual predators, cyberbullies and malicious intent:
Know parental controls of social media sites
Many social media platforms can filter sensitive content. Read the community guidelines and FAQs of these platforms and maximize them for your child’s protection. An additional option would be using third-party security software that can enable specific setting such as blocking of specific words, images, and other multimedia content that may lure children into sites.
Get filtering services from Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
You may also try asking their ISPs if they offer filtering services. While it does not exactly protect users from computer viruses or malware, filtering services help block access to Internet sites that have illegal or inappropriate content. Some ISPs have been oriented on child-friendly business practices and are doing measures to ensure children’s safety online.
Put password protection on computers/devices
One of the easiest ways of protecting children from malicious online content is by simply setting strong passwords on devices. You can password-protect their accounts, smartphones, wifi routers and computers so that they would have to ask for your assistance when accessing the Internet.
Put computers and devices in a common area
You can monitor better your children’s use of the Internet and computer if they stay and put all of their devices in a common room. This way, your children can also seek immediate assistance from you if they encounter online content that they are unfamiliar with.
Set strong privacy settings
In order to protect children from being preyed on by predators, cyberbullies, or scammers, keep webcams covered when not in use. Check the privacy settings to minimize data collection. Help your child learn to keep personal information private, especially from strangers.
Open the lines of communication
Open communication will always be the key. This way, not only would you be able to spend time with them online and offline, you would also help support your children mediate any concerns while navigating the digital environment. Let them have fun and express themselves.
Online safety is one of the priorities of UNICEF Philippines’ child protection program. The UN child rights agency leads the SaferKidsPH program, supported by the Australian Government, to reduce the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children in the Philippines.
SaferKidsPH is a six-year (2019-2025) initiative that aims to create a safer environment for children. It calls on the government, NGOs, communities, parents, caregivers and young people to play an active role in; (1) adopting positive behavior towards protection of children from online abuse and exploitation, (2) strengthening investigation, prosecution and adjudication of online sexual abuse and exploitation cases (OSAEC) consistent with national legislation, and (3) improving service delivery for prevention and protection of children against online sexual abuse and exploitation in OSAEC hotspots.
The program is supported by the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s (DICT) in the adoption of the Child Online Safeguarding Policy which aims to expand and promote protective mechanisms for children when they access the internet in public places.