Reflections on life & moving on

We are so not alone in this journey of life. There is a God and we do have angels. I’ve felt their presence many times.
It’s 2019. I am in Idaho. It is freezing! My family loves to ski. The mountains are spectacular.
The place is beautiful and the people just as beautiful. It’s a prime example of how a pristine location has a direct and significant effect on the consciousness of people. People here are sweet, simple, childlike and just oh-so-nice. (Compare this with the immigration personnel at the US airports. Oh, well…)
Amid this pristine majesty, I would like to share my thoughts on the New Year and life.
We often make New Year’s resolutions on what to do or not to do and, more often than not, these resolutions hold up for a period but unfortunately lose steam as the year rolls on.
I face the frustration of this on a daily basis as I regularly reflect; I make a determination only to feel myself slide as the day rolls on. Sigh.
So this is it. It’s not what one does that is important. It’s where one is coming from. In other words, as long as the focus is on the action, frustration will probably follow because we are not going to the source of the problem. We are after the symptoms. As long as the source remains, the symptoms will continue manifesting because the root cause hasn’t been addressed.
For example, one of my “flaws” is impatience and irritation. I like work to happen and that is not a bad trait. There is a certain angst that accompanies impatience. It is different from the will force that is needed to make things happen. One is will and determination. The other is, well, irritation: a desire to hit someone on the head due to frustration.
In the past, no matter how determined I was — probably by design of the universe — situations would come up almost daily (with their story of incompetence) testing me to the limit.
I realized that the effective way to deal with my impatience is to focus on myself, not the situation. To see the “me” that sees situations in a certain light — and sees people in a certain way — leading to an eruption. This, coupled with my own inner thing of wanting things done well.
I have and am beginning to discover still further a part of me that is more benevolent, calmer. It’s bigger. It’s higher and sees situations differently. I feel this part of me blooming, incarnating as I meditate regularly. I have found that shifting to this other “me” results in different actions naturally. The focus is on myself, not the action. Try it.
This works for almost all situations in life. Look at the part of you that needs to be shifted. Go inside. You may need help from someone deep and insightful. Why do you see things this way? What is causing this behavior? If you figure out the why, then the strategy naturally follows.
This is so essential to moving on in life. Otherwise, we become a slave to our weaker selves, to situations. We need to evolve and rest so we can lead better lives.
So, this New Year, My wish for all of you is that you go deep inside, look and feel the part of yourselves that may need a bit of retooling. These introspections usually come in a space of quiet and insight that I feel is directly influenced by Higher Forces. There is a God and we do have angels. I’ve felt their presence many times.
We are so not alone in this journey of life. I wish you all well. Keep the light shining!
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