How to overcome your body issues


Do you love your body?

What do you dislike about your body?

Which of the two questions is easier to answer? Which is harder? The topic of “body issues” may not be new, but it also never ends nor goes away. #TheBodyLoveRevolution aims to engage us with discussions on body image, media and beauty, and self-worth.

Here are 10 advocates and their advice on how to overcome our different body issues.

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Radha, singer, songwriter

My ballet teacher gave me an exact image of what I was “supposed to” look like to become a prima ballerina. It sure wasn’t going be me — that kid with a belly. I was even told by highly respected professionals that I needed to lose weight if I wanted to be successful. Later in life, I realized that it was far better to be recognized for the hard work that I put into my craft, rather than being the “perfect weight,” and that the love I have for myself and my body is a result of constantly changing the story I have in my head about myself: that I am great, I am beautiful.

Sara Black, beauty and fashion photographer

I would always get picked last for sports as a child. I had a weak countenance having had pneumonia at age six. Fast forward to 2015 — I ran my first marathon. It was a transcendent experience. I put in the time and effort to transform my body into a lean, mean fighting machine. Sometimes we‘re not dealt the best cards physically, but just owning what you have and being accountable for it goes a long way.

Iza Calzado, actress, entrepreneur and Body Love advocate

It was only recently that I understood the value of self-love, self-worth and acceptance. This came about when I realized that there were so many things about myself that I did not appreciate because I was too caught up trying to push myself and my body to be something I wasn’t, aiming for perfection. The key to self-love is gratitude for the body that you have and the person that you are.

Danah and Stacy Gutierrez, body positivity advocates behind

I used to compare myself with the images of women I saw in magazines and on billboards, but I realized that I could unsubscribe from unrealistic beauty standards being imposed on women through media. I started focusing on my character and my soul to be the main source of my beauty, which translated to accepting my body and loving myself. — Stacy

Stephanie Zubiri-Crespi, writer, host, food and wine enthusiast

Growing up, I was always conscious of my puson and envious of those with defined abs and flat tummies. At one point, I was exercising every day and dieting to such an extreme that I fainted. I’ve learned to be happy in the body I have, to continue my yoga practice to build strength and not just to “look sexy,” to enjoy my pasta and wine in the company of loved ones and to no longer feel the pressure to look a certain way. What’s most important is that I’m strong, healthy and happy!

Erwan Heussaff,  content creator and restaurateur

I came to a point in life where I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror. After a few months of doubting what I was capable of, I bundled up all my fears and insecurities with what was left of my self-worth, and used that as the tinder for my fitness journey. It’s not about looking at everything positively — sometimes that’s impossible. For me, it’s about taking something negative and working hard towards making it positive.

Nikki Gil-Albert, singer and actress

When I gave birth, I succumbed to the pressure of getting back to my pre-baby body right away. I wasted so much time being sad about my postpartum body — time I could’ve spent enjoying my baby. I realized that I can never get those moments back, and that the body I was being so hard on gave me a healthy baby boy. So now, I just do what I can to stay healthy while prioritizing enjoying my family.

Mari Jasmine,  digital creative, host and entrepreneur

I used to look at girls with different body types and envy certain things I saw in them that I thought I was lacking. I realized that, instead, I should be embracing and focusing on all the things I am grateful for. Learning to be the best version of myself was the best choice I’ve made.

Dr. Gia Sison, doctor and mental health advocate

I was always teased as chubby. Even at the gym, people would stare. But I was always assured by my husband and family that body shape has nothing to do with the shape of one’s heart. Being confident is the new sexy.

Joey Atayde, movement therapist

As a ballerina, I grew up with expectations and directions about what my body does, and how it should appear to others. Transitioning into becoming a movement therapist was not just a career move but a return to my authentic self. I learned to listen to my body and get to know it, beyond its strengths and limitations.

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