Matteo Guidicelli: Running is good for the heart

Actor and triathlete Matteo Guidicelli invites one to try running for a healthy heart.
Photo release

MANILA, Philippines — This year, among singer-actor Matteo Guidicelli’s plans are to join lots of races and to try to get fitter, as if he does not seem fit enough.

By “get fitter,” he said, he means trying to beat his previous Ironman and 5k and 10k runs records.

Apart from Valentine’s, February is also Philippine Heart Month. And for those who want to take care of their heart, Matteo highly recommends getting into sports like running and triathlon.

At first, he thought running is boring. But once he got into it and learned the science behind it, he now upholds: “Running is beautiful.”

“I think it’s the best exercise. It’s the exercise I can do all the time,” he told “It is a sport that poses a constant challenge; you cannot really be a master in it.”

Running, according to him, does not only involve one’s feet, but is also good for the heart since it is a whole body workout.

According to a Makati Medical City (MMC) report, heart cells start to beat in a fetus as early as four weeks. The heart is a muscle that does the most physical work than any muscle in the body during a lifetime. It pumps around 7,600 liters of blood each day.

In the same report, the Arkansas Heart Hospital reveals that blood makes a round trip through one’s heart about 1,000 times every day. That is about 41.6 times per hour or once every minute and a half.

For a healthy heart, MMC recommends challenging yourself physically at least once a week.

“Take an introductory cross-fit or high intensity interval training class. There are many free videos online that you can follow along with the instructor. Make sure to pace yourself and have a doctor’s clearance to exercise in case of any medical condition,” the hospital adds.

“Having a variety of workout routines or classes can keep you motivated and looking forward to work out. Try an app that keeps you informed of the available classes in your area.”

For those who want to be a triathlete like Matteo, he advised that instead of going straight to triathlon, one can start with running first, or biking first. “And then, when you start getting the groove, you can put biking and swimming together then you start to run. Find a group, start a team!”

He started with 5k and 10k runs. But now that he is into racing, he starts his trainings with long runs and fast interval runs with his coach.

He said finding the right shoes are also important to avoid injuries. “I also get injured sometimes, but the shoes are a big factor of not getting injuries,” enthused the actor, who goes for Saucony shoes for the brand’s 100-year heritage, technology, high stands, comfort and style that he can wear on and off the racetrack.

Besides exercise, MMC prescribes limiting saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, red meat, sweets and sugar-sweetened beverages in one’s diet for a healthy heart. If you choose to eat red meat, select the leanest cuts available.

Apart from being good for his heart, running has also become Matteo’s way to get to Sarah Geronimo’s heart. Running has become a means for the showbiz couple to bond.

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