Kids speak up: What is Christmas all about?

The Christmas season officially ended for us Catholics last weekend with the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, but the feelings and sentiments that Christmas brings still linger in our hearts and minds.

Although many, if not most, of us are already “back to the grind,” it’s always good to pause and reflect on the past holidays (or “holy-days,” as I like to call them!) and reflect on the warmth, joy and peace that comes with Christmas.

What better way to do so than to see Christmas through the eyes (and mouths!) of those who definitely enjoy it more than most of us — the children! There is just something about Christmas that makes every child’s eyes gleam with joy and hope (even beyond the Christmas season), don’t you agree?

So let’s take a few minutes to reminisce the days of Christmas past, by looking at what some kids’ answers to the question: “What is Christmas all about?”

“Christmas is all about love.”

— Madylene Czarina Abedes Badajos, 2 years old


“Christmas is about Jesus. It is about the Gospel. And… it is about God.”

— Jadan Kib Javier, 9 years old


“Christmas is about the birthday of Jesus.”

— Lucco Abeleda, 4 years old


“Christmas is all about love because Jesus loves everyone.”

— Miguel Baranda, 7 years old


 “Lots and lots… (of) sharing and giving.”

— Atasha Kylle de la Torre, 5 years old


“For me, Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.”

— Ilya Francine A. Gonzales, 9 years old



“Christmas is all about Jesus.”

— Mielle Cassandra Abedes Badajos, 3 years old


“For me, Christmas is the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.”

— Ayli Francheska A. Gonzales, 10 years old


“Give taho.”*

— Joseph Cisco Esperanza Negapatan, 4 years old

*Joseph’s mom Anna explains: “I think he associates taho with Christmas because yearly we give out around 700 pieces of chilled taho to our less fortunate neighbors within our area in Tandang Sora.”


“Christmas is about Jesus’ birth.”

— Sev Philip S. Llaban, 8 years old


“Christmas is all about happiness. I’m happy because of God’s gifts for us!”

— Mateo Baranda, 6 years old


“Christmas is all about Christ’s birthday. In Christmas we share love, hope, happiness and peace.”

— Stella Yesha Klara T. Borja, 10 years old



“Christmas is all about Santa Claus.”

— John Maximilian S. Llaban, 3 years old


“Christmas is all about Jesus. He died for us on the cross, He cleansed us so we can live.”

— Marco Baranda, 9 years old


“Christmas is all about giving love and care.”

— Kaitlyn Faith S. Llaban, 5 years old


As we ponder on these kids’ answers, let’s commit to keeping the Christmas spirit alive in our hearts and our homes. Let’s continue to show love and care to those around us, and keep sharing and giving hope, happiness and peace to others.

What would your kids answer if asked the question, “What is Christmas is all about?” Feel free to share their answers with us in the comments! You can also share their answers on my new Facebook page:

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