Angels vs. demons. On whose side are you?

At the core of all temptations, the question remains what truly matters in human life. We push God or relegate Him to someone who is insignificant.  He is someone who can wait until we have the time and the interest to give Him importance.  “In the reality of anything beyond the political and material, God is just an illusion,” and does not relate to our everyday life.”  This is the temptation!

 Why do we sometimes feel that our guardian angels are not anywhere near? 

Our guardian angels respect our free will.  If you’ve decided to choose what’s bad, he will never accompany you to sin, but will wait outside.  If you regret and invoke his help, he will come to your aid immediately, consoling and accompanying you in your journey to return to God.  He’ll inspire you to seek repentance (Confession).  He teaches and prays for you, and brings your prayers to God.  We have only to call him.

The prayer to our guardian angel, taught to us in childhood, must always be prayed every morning and at night before we go to bed.  The prayer to St. Michael by Pope Leo XIII is very powerful. 

Can we talk to our angels? Yes!  Through prayers.  Never fall for techniques or incantations, spirit questing, mediumship, witchcraft, tarot cards, and any other New Age pagan practices because when these spirits are invoked, it’s the devil, the fallen angel, that shows up.  Repeat: The devil.  Worse, the devil can disguise himself as an angel of light, a loved one, a relative, and even as Sto. Niño or the Blessed Mother.

In disguise?  How is this possible? 

Upon death, a particular judgment happens at once — the soul goes either to heaven, to purgatory or to hell.  No soul stays behind on earth.  There is no, repeat no, wandering souls in the world or the so-called ligaw na kaluluwa.  If you encounter such spirits, they are no one else but demons, in disguise.

 How do the demons exert influence on us?

In the ordinary everyday occurrences, they use temptation.  They lure you with something that’s not ugly or revolting but something that has the three Ms: Maganda, masarap, madali (beautiful/stunning, delicious/succulent and easy/ effortless, a breeze). 

How do the demons get a foothold?

They are invited through the practice of:

1) The occult, witchcraft, feng shui, third eye, etc.  The so-called third eye is not a gift from God, it is from the devil.

2) Things like charms, talisman, amulets, mojo, idol, etc.  They do not bring good luck per se.  They have no intrinsic power.  Only God Almighty has the power.  If you want to wish anyone well, avoid saying good luck but say God bless or Godspeed;

3) Rituals, voodoo practices like sprinkling the blood of animals to supposedly appease spirits — this is not of God.

4) Folk tales and beliefs.  Like sukob or siblings can’t marry in the same year, turning the plate around when someone leaves the house, etc. We are quick to associate the consequences of our actions with something that’s unfortunate and disastrous.  God doesn’t want us to resort to any other kind of means to bring blessings in our life.  Calling on God is enough.  

5) Witchcraft, calling on dark spirits.

6) Damnation or curse(s), wishing someone evil. A curse is at its strongest and most lethal when  it is pronounced and imposed between family members.  Never resort to this, especially in a moment of rage or disgust.  

7) Evil eye. The so-called third eye that makes one sensitive to paranormal phenomenon is not from God.  If you are one of those whose third eye is open, stop it and, through the church, have it closed.

8) Spells and sorcery.

9) Being unforgiving.

10) Subjugation.  You lead a sinful way of life.

Anything that is not of God is of the devil.  There is nothing in between.  Because of free will, God will never possess or take complete power over you.  Only the devil practice possession.   

If you believe in God, nothing else matters. 

What are the extraordinary demonic activities?

They come through:

1) External pain. When you get unexplained bruises or get sick that can’t be medically addressed or cured.

2) Infestation. When you witness inanimate things moving like rocking chairs with no visible occupant, etc. 

3) Oppression.  They attack the external aspects of your life:  upheavals in finances; family conflicts; disturbed, oppressed, and misunderstood teens who hallucinate or hear voices that may lead to suicide, etc. 

 4) Possession. Devil takes over your body and spirit.

Who are our comrades in this warfare?

Christ Jesus; Blessed Mary (Lucifer and his sin of pride could not accept Mary’s humility and her complete submission to the will of God); St. Joseph, the protector of Jesus and Mary; St. Michael the archangel and his deliverance prayer.  Before spreading holy salt, pray to St Michael; Padre Pio.  The book Send me your Guardian Angel tells of real encounters of Padre Pio with angels (and demons); Gemma Galgani Italy; St. John Vianney; St. Anthony of the Dessert; St. Benedict, Abbot; guardian angels; patron saints; fellow Christians with charisms.

All priests can perform minor exorcism, praying over the disturbed or afflicted person.

If possessed, seek a priest exorcist. Never through any spirit quest and New Age practitioners. 

What weapons (sacramentals) do we use to fight the devil? Holy water; holy oil (blessed extra virgin olive oil); holy salt (rock salt, not iodized); blessed candles; incense; Benedictine medal (post on your front door);  The Miraculous Medal (French: Medaille miraculeuse); Holy Bible; Crucifix; relics of the true Cross.

And through the: renunciation of all occult; renewal of baptismal promises; receiving the holy sacraments frequently, especially Confession and Holy Communion; frequent visits to the Blessed Sacraments; reciting daily prayers to the Holy Trinity, the Marian prayers-rosary, and to our guardian angels and to the saints.   

And what is the 5th shield?

Reconcile with our brethren and forgive yourself.  By nature, it is difficult to forgive those who have hurt, fooled or taken advantage of us.  It takes a lot of humility to do it.  Pray to God for the grace to soften our hearts and learn to forgive.

Let us remember that forgiveness is not an option; it is a gospel mandate when Jesus Himself commanded us to forgive. How often?  “70x7.”

The good news is that the humble person is feared by the devil because it is the only virtue that the demon cannot imitate. That’s why the devil is scared of and repelled by the Virgin Mary because she is the paragon of humility.

What is our mission?

Lead the victim(s) back to God.

What is our attack strategy?

Be alert, stay sober, and know that the devil is real.  Be armed to the teeth through the frequent reception of the holy sacraments, prayers particularly the rosary and novenas and the proper use of sacramentals.  Like in the song for Christ the King, on earth’s battlefield, we never will yield.

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