Ricky Rubio promotes football among basketball-crazy Pinoys

An athlete gaining so much attention not only because of his popularity in the sport of basketball but also his willingness to promote another sport like football sounds perfect!

That’s why having Ricky Rubio visit Manila last week was, for me, heaven sent!

Adidas brought the Minnesota Timberwolves guard, who is actually the youngest player to ever play in the Spanish league at the age of 14, for the “Take on Manila Tour.”

He was all smiles at every stop, including his trip to Intramuros and Rizal Park, despite the rains brought about by typhoon Ineng. He gamely played with fans, took pictures, and was warmly received by basketball-crazy Filipino fans!

But day two was what I felt as the real highlight.

He visited the Gatorade Blue Pitch at The Circuit in Makati, where he played some football with local icons Phil and James Younghusband. He showed his football skills that impressed the brothers, while also interacting with other kids on the football field.

Football is a sport, and I have said this, time and time again, that I truly believe we should start to prioritize this because it is more adept towards our physical makeup. We can develop world-class footballers if we just have the proper programs in place.

And Rubio understands this, and that’s why he made sure he promoted football in his trip as well.

A colleague mentioned that he was very surprised at the level of Rubio’s football, and I had to remind him that growing up in Spain, that’s the first sport everyone learns! It’s actually the perfect sport for an athlete to build his/her foundation on.

Rubio was overwhelmed by the response he got from the fans, just like every basketball star who has ever set foot in the country. He was at a loss for words upon seeing the gallery waiting to greet him. He took numerous selfies and religiously posted them on social media because he just had to show the world how he was received at every single stop on his three-day tour.

But he knew just where the hearts of the youngsters lay, so he was quick to advise the young that like him, they, too, could realize their hoop dreams of playing in the biggest league in the world, especially now, since he said that a lot of teams are now employing “small ball” which fits right up the alley of the height-deprived Filipinos.

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Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @anthonysuntay, and like my Facebook page: Anthony Suntay.


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