It’s not too late to live your Lent: Lessons from Lola Flora

Palm Sunday is just around the corner, which means Holy Week is coming up very soon. It’s a time to reflect on the days that have passed, and to think about what we will be doing for Holy Week (which, hopefully, won’t be just about going on an out of town trip for some R&R!).

Many of us may be thinking or feeling that this season of Lent has been a "failure" of sorts, because we haven’t been practicing fasting and abstinence as often as we should, or making sacrifices, or praying more and being more generous with our almsgiving and charitable deeds. These acts are external manifestations of how to "live your Lent," as some people say, and doing them will help us to reflect more on the true reason for this season: Jesus’s passion, death and resurrection.

If you’re like me and you’ve been dealing with thoughts like "How I wish I was living Lent more consistently!" these days, don’t fret. It’s never too late to start being more intentional with our Lenten practices and devotions.

Take it from Lola Flora

Earlier this month, a friend of mine shared how she met "Lola Flora," an elderly woman who has spent many years of her life spreading God’s love and the devotion to Mama Mary. With her permission, I’m re-posting her story below:

"Last night, after a long day in Makati, I rushed to the church to attend the last Mass. I went to St. Joseph Parish in Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to Mass and so I spent time in deep prayer."

"After praying before the image of St. Joseph, I saw this old woman seated alone in the church writing something in her notebook. I felt as if God was telling me to go to her and offer a simple gift that may help her. She was so accommodating and I ended up inviting her for dinner in the nearby fastfood restaurant."

"Her name is Flora Casem, 86 years old, single with no children. She lives by herself and depends on everyday graces from the Lord to survive. She said she is in 3rd degree secular Franciscan order."

"Lola Flora actually graduated from UST in 1959 with a degree in Bachelor of Literature in Journalism. She worked as a public information officer at the Bureau of Fisheries for 34 years."

"Immediately after retiring, she took all her retirement benefits and went on her mission. She said she went to a grotto of Mama Mary and instead of asking for her own desires she asked, "Mama Mary, what do you want me to do for you?"

"She claims she heard Mama Mary say, ‘Spread the devotion of the Holy Rosary around the country.’ And that's what she’s been doing for the past 20 years, spending her retirement money and giving her all to complete her mission.

Be totally dependent on God

"Lola Flora says she didn’t have any plans but woke up every day asking, ‘Lord, and Mama Mary, what do you want me to do and where do you want me to go for you today?’ And so every day she would go around parishes, poor communities, and everywhere, talking about God and giving out rosaries donated to her."

Lola Flora’s humble home

"Today, she is physically weak at 86 years old but her heart is so full of joy and peace and love! She makes rosaries and accepts donated rosaries so she can give them away."

"In the poverty of Lola Flora, not having any money nor material possessions, she told me she is so happy and she doesn’t worry at all for she knows God will never abandon her, nor forget about her. God is always taking care of her. She doesn’t desire money nor other material possessions for she can’t bring them to Heaven."

Live your Lent

As Holy Week approaches, let’s learn from Lola Flora and place our faith in God. Let us abandon ourselves to His will, and seek to serve Him with all our hearts.

Just as Jesus offered Himself up as a sacrifice for many, may we learn to make big and small sacrifices for God and others. After all, that is the true reason behind this Lenten season: remembering Jesus and preparing for Easter, when we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection.

What are your plans for Holy Week? If you’re looking for ways to make it more meaningful for your family, feel free to read my suggestions here, or stay tuned for my next post!

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