On Homeschooling: How One Family Took “The Road Less Travelled”

When people find out that we are homeschoolers, they usually ask us any of the following questions:

"Why did you decide to homeschool?"

"How do you do it?"

"What are the benefits of homeschooling?"

"We’re thinking of homeschooling, too. How should we start going about it?"

The list can go on and on actually.

Of course, my answers usually depend on the type of question asked.

For the people who are exploring or thinking about homeschooling though, my usual answer begins with a question: "Ask yourself: Why do you want to homeschool? What is your intention?" I also ask them to pray and discern if homeschooling is really part of God’s plan for their family.

Through the years, I have been honored and blessed by some homeschoolers who claim that I was one of the people who helped them start their homeschooling journey. I have also been very inspired by other homeschoolers -- those who have been homeschooling for longer than we have.

Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici | FreeDigitalPhotos.net

One such family is the Parungaos. Let me share with you how they started homeschooling -- perhaps you’ll be inspired to explore it as an option for your family as well!

Henry and Joanne Parungao’s homeschooling journey began not in the Philippines, but in Thailand. 

"My husband and I lived in Bangkok for a while with our daughter Jamie when she was two," Joanne shares. "We joined a playgroup where the members were composed of different nationalities. We enjoyed the format of physical play, queuing in an orderly manner for snacks, then reading stories and singing songs. I remember thinking that this was a fun way for kids to learn."

Joanne says that it was the summer of 2007 when they met an 18-year-old American girl who was also a budding photographer.

"She was the niece of one of the moms and she said she wanted to earn extra money by taking our pictures/portraits. We were impressed by her confidence, clarity in the way she spoke, and the simplicity with which she carried herself," she recalls.

"So we had our pictures taken and asked questions about her family, background, etc. She said she had been homeschooled since birth," Joanne continues. "Her photography business started when she was 16 and she knew at the age of 12 that it is what she wanted to do with the rest of her life."

That marked the beginning of Henry and Joanne’s interest in homeschooling. 

"When we went back to Manila, we enrolled our daughter in a neighborhood school run by nuns. It was actually a good experience for us but they only had classes until the Prep level," Joanne shares. "We wanted to spend as much time as we could with our daughter. So we again talked about homeschooling and prayed about it."

Through some friends, the Parungaos discovered Catholic Filipino Academy or CFA.

"We liked the people we met and the way things were presented and so we decided to homeschool our daughter through CFA," Joanne says. "Now on our sixth year of homeschooling, we have added two children to our homeschooling circle and our fourth child will also follow suit when he is old enough."

The Parungaos say that through the years, they have realized that choosing to homeschool was the best decision for them, even if they face different challenges.

"[Initially], we struggled through teaching using the books alone until my husband and I got creative in our teaching methods," Joanne shares. "We have given lessons in the car, train, jeep, tricycle, U.P. Sunken Garden, and any place we think that could help our children learn something."

As much as they are teaching their kids, Joanne says she and Henry also learn a lot from them, especially about "how to be accountable for your actions." "It is very challenging to do as you preach as we have our kids to look up to us," she adds. "But, by God's grace, we try and expect God will do impossible things for us."    

Joanne (far left) poses with other moms from Catholic Filipino Academy at their All Saints’ Day activity last year

By homeschooling, the Parungaos hope to not only provide their children with excellent academic learning, inspire a love for music, and enable them to discover a sport they like, but also to help them know at an early age what they want to do in the future.

"[We want them] to focus on their strengths and interests, and to help them ask God what their mission in life would be," Joanne emphasizes. "Homeschooling has been a blessing in so many ways. We hope that God's grace will continue to sustain this way of life that we have chosen."

If you wish to find out more about homeschooling, Catholic Filipino Academy (CFA) is holding its Homeschooling Discovery Time for parents with preschool and elementary aged children on March 3. You may reserve a slot here or contact CFA via Facebook or its official website.

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