MANILA, Philippines - An estimated four million Filipinos suffer from diabetes and the complications that come along with it. Of the four million affected, 61 people die of this disease every day — that averages to about nearly three deaths per hour. The numbers are on the rise and experts predict that in a little over a decade, the number of those affected by diabetes will rise to 380 million.
Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects the body’s ability to produce insulin, which results in elevated glucose levels in the blood. As we all know, or might have heard, there are two types of diabetes, simply classified as: Type-1 and Type-2. Type-1 diabetes sets in early. It is usually diagnosed in children or young adults. It lasts a lifetime and has no known cure. Type-2, however, usually develops after the age of 40 and while it too lasts a lifetime, there are ways to manage its symptoms with a little self-discipline by making better food choices, weight management, and getting enough exercise — these can also greatly reduce the risk of getting Type-2 diabetes altogether. As they say, prevention is better than a cure.
On that note, GNC has always been at the forefront of preventive nutrition supplements. They have continually set the standard with extremely potent and high quality products. Led by their simple two-word slogan, “Live well,” they have always made it a point to increase their customers’ quality of life by providing them the very best in nutritional supplements. For those who are looking to curb diabetes symptoms, GNC suggests two of their finest products: GNC Chromium Picolinate 200 and GNC Alpha Lipoic Acid 100.
GNC Chromium Picolinate helps support our body’s ability to utilize glucose and metabolize carbohydrates, while studies have shown that alpha lipoic acid helps the body use its own insulin to lower blood sugar levels and may reduce the symptoms of nerve damage caused by diabetes. It’s easy to see how these supplements can help curb the effects of diabetes and, when coupled with better lifestyle choices, may lead to the management of diabetic symptoms or get rid of them entirely.
Get a leg up on diabetes and help your body’s natural ability to utilize glucose and lower your blood sugar levels with GNC Chromium Picolinate 200 and GNC Alpha Lipoic Acid 100, available at any of the 40 GNC stores nationwide.