Discovering the joys of juicing

On a recent trip to Cebu, I was a house guest of my dear friend Mariquita Yeung who taught me a thing or two about the wonders of drinking green vegetables instead of eating them.   I told her that for many years now, my morning juices are lemon juice and carrot juice, which consists of three medium-sized carrots and an apple, and I would rather eat the greens than drink them.  “Give your digestive system a rest,” she said and went on to explain, “because the digestive system requires a lot of energy to function and every time you eat, you give it some work.  That’s why when you eat a big meal, you feel like taking a nap or you feel tired after because your digestive system is using a lot of your energy. So instead of eating your greens, drink them.”

I gave in and drank her green juice which consisted of wheatgrass, kale, celery, romaine lettuce, apple for sweetness , cucumber, and a piece of ginger for a bit of spice. 

Lo and behold, it didn’t taste bad at all!  Truth to tell, I even liked it!  I went to her cook who gave me different variations of the juice, like, using watercress, malunggay, spinach, mustard leaves, fennel, parsley, alfalfa sprouts, etc. in place of the other greens.  I drank the green juice for the next few days until I left for Manila.  But I intended to add it to my repertoire of juices. 

Mariquita also told me that when she is so busy, she replaces lunch with a tall glass of green goodness which gives her a lot of energy to go about her activities until dinner time.  The calories are much less but leave her feeling satisfied.  It is no wonder that this lady is so slim and healthy!

Other benefits of green juices:

1) Contain chlorophyll which is powerful in regenerating our bodies in the cellular and molecular level.  It cleanses the body, fights infection, heals wounds, and aids detoxification.  Some nutritionists say that chlorophyll when consumed, can easily be converted to hemoglobin which will increase the quality and quantity of red blood cells, increasing well-being.

2) Prevent cancer as fresh greens are loaded with antioxidants which act as microscopic soldiers that prevent cell damage.  Cell damage can lead to genetic mutation, resulting in cancer, so the more antioxidants you consume, the stronger your defense against cancer.  One of the easiest ways to consume more antioxidants is with juicing as it is easier and faster to drink five carrots than to eat them.

3) Boost your energy level because juicing fruits and vegetables turns them into an easily digested form so that the energy otherwise spent on digestion can be used for other activities.

4) Strengthen your immune system by supplying your body with massive amounts of important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients on a daily basis.

5) Because of its chlorophyll content, green juice has an alkalizing effect on the body.  The benefits of reducing the amount of acid in the body cannot be understated as the more acidic the body, the more prone it is to illness and disease.

 My  “wake up morning” drink is actually the juice from two lemons which I drink pure.  A bit sour, so if you can’t take it this way, add some warm water.   It aids my digestive system and helps my elimination system as well.

Other benefits of lemon juice:

1)  It flushes out toxins and is beneficial for the body.

2)  A glass of lemon juice is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fiber, magnesium, phosphorous and traces of iron and Vitamin A. 

3) Lemon juice is also a good blood purifier, encourages the production of bile by the liver which can, in turn, speed up the process of digestion and help reduce pain and inflammation in the knees and joints as it dissolves uric acid. 

4) It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps against eye problems.

5) Lemon juice is also good for weight loss as it works on the accumulated fat of your body and regular intake can do magic to your body’s shape.

6) It helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session.

7) It is of immense benefit to the skin and prevents formation of wrinkles and acne.

8) The high level of potassium in the lemon juice benefits people with high blood pressure because potassium works in the human body to control dizziness, nausea, and high blood pressure which can consequently reduce the risk of heart disease.

9) In case of a heart burn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief.

10) Helps cure the common cold.  The antibacterial property of fresh lemon juice works to fight any kind of infection in the throat area such as tonsillitis, and the best remedy for sore throat is gargling with fresh lemon juice mixed with warm water.

11) Lemon has a good effect on the teeth.  The freshly squeezed lemon juice can help with toothaches and, when massaged on the gums, can cure all the wounds in case you have any.  Fresh lemon juice also takes care of problems like bad breath and halitosis.

— Source:  Health and Fitness, John of,


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