Awesome August Activities for Moms

This August may possibly be the most jam-packed month of all... at least for people like me who love breastfeeding, promote intentional parenting and love learning! If you feel similarly about the aforementioned, here is a round-up of events you will definitely not want to miss!

Celebrate National Breastfeeding Awareness Month 2014: Hakab Na!

Whether you agree or not, breastfeeding is a public health issue. Some mothers find that breastfeeding comes to them naturally, while others found it difficult.

Personally, I found breastfeeding challenging with all my three children, but, by God’s grace and the support of the people around me, I successfully breastfed my two older kids beyond 2 years, and am still breastfeeding my youngest child, who is now 1 year and 3 months old.

Whatever the case may be, during a mother’s most vulnerable stage, she needs the best breastfeeding support from wherever she gave birth to her home, her workplace and within her community.

This is why, in celebration of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month this August, the Facebook group Breastfeeding Pinays (BFP) is organizing a half-day breastfeeding activity called Hakab Na 2014. The event seeks topromote the importance of providing proper support to all breastfeeding Filipino families. 

It will be held simultaneously in Manila, Cebu, Davao, Bacolod and Iloilo on August 2, 2014 (Saturday) at 9:00 am. 

For those who wish to join Hakab Na 2014, the venues will be the following: 

Manila: Philippine Army Officers Clubhouse in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City

Cebu: Ayala Center Cebu Active Zone in Cebu City (hosted by the Cebu Breastfeeding Club)

Davao: Stockbridge International School (formerly Tumble Tots) in Davao City (hosted by Breastfeeding Pinays – Davao)

Negros Occidental: Santuario de la Salle, University of St. La Salle in Bacolod City (hosted by the Bacolod Mom and Baby Club and the Institute for Negros Development)

Iloilo: Iloilo Provincial Capitol in Iloilo City (hosted by the Breastfeeding Ilonggas)

In Cagayan de Oro, Mommy Bright Side is hosting Hakab Na 2014 at the Ororama Cogon on August 1, 2014. 

Hakab Na 2014 will be held in coordination with the Big Latch On, an international activity where mothers will latch on their babies in different locations around the world at the same time.

This will be the second year that the now 25,000-strong BFP group will be staging Hakab Na. In the Manila event, BFP will also be conducting a talk on "Breastfeeding Babies Beyond 6 Months."

If you want to join Hakab Na in Manila, just register at A minimal registration fee of P150 will be collected for every mother and baby/child pair, which includes a baby souvenir shirt, snacks and loot bag, and P100 each for companions 7 years old and above to cover snacks.   


Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week: Get a FREE Breastfeeding Book!

This is not a "physical" event but it is nonetheless super exciting!

My friend and fellow homeschool mom, Teresa Gumap-As Dumadag, wrote a book about breastfeeding last year, entitled, Breastfeeding: A Journey Worth Taking. It’s a great read for breastfeeding moms, and even those who aren’t moms but wish to understand more about breastfeeding.

Well, Teresa has good news for us -- her book is now available in Kindle format on! And, in support of World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7, 2014), you can download it for FREE between August 1-3!

You don’t need a Kindle to be able to read it; just download the Kindle app for free. Grab a copy of Teresa’s book here.


Ogalala System in Play Workshops: Encouraging intentional parenting and play

A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend the preview of the Ogalala Child Development workshops. It was an enlightening event because, even if I'm a mom of 3 kids ages almost 8, 5 and 1, I still learned (or relearned) a few new things about the importance of play in a child's development. The Ogalala workshop was organized by IGMI, the company behind Crayola, Melissa & Doug, Baby Einstein, Emco, Animal Planet and Discovery Kids, to name a few.

The above mentioned brands are included in the extensive range of toys recommended for use in the Ogalala System in Play. They encourage fun and enjoyable learning, giving value to play in a child’s learning and development.

The speakers at the workshop, Ms. Maye Yao Co Say and Teacher Maia Tañedo, shared with us lots of useful information about how to encourage a child's development and learning, particularly through play.

I, for one, firmly believe that play is essential in the life of a child, and I found it wonderful that Ogalala's workshops encourage parents to adapt to this kind of life and make learning fun for children through a system in play.
The Ogalala System in Play was developed to help parents identify important milestones and tools that will help support their children’s development, while at the same time helping them bond with their child.

Ogalala is actually a Native American word for an underground water irrigation system, "which brings life to mankind." Just as water is essential to life, so is learning through play essential to life for kids. Ogalala System in Play is actually an advocacy for fun and learning that addresses each child's development areas.

The "System in Play" part is quite unique, though if you’re an "OC mom" (like Ms. Maye confesses that she is), you’d probably have come up with a similar system for your kids.

Basically, it’s about letting children learn through play based on their ages and stages. The toys recommended for use under the system are divided into 4 categories: Infants, Toddlers, Preschool and Grade School. Ogalala even provides parents with downloadable record charts/checklists that will help you in planning your little one’s daily activities.

If you're a parent, teacher or anyone else involved in the care of children, I suggest you check out the Ogalala workshops -- they will be held every Saturday in August (and September!). Admission is FREE but you need to register. Just go to to do so.


Learn How to Be a Hands-On Working Mom: Attend The Learning Basket’s Workshop!

I'm sure those moms out there who work out of the home will agree with me when I say that, sometimes, we can't help feeling guilty about being away from our kids so we can work and help support our families.

I used to have a job that required me to report to the office daily so I know how it goes. Actually, even if I'm a work at home mom now, I still feel guilty when I'm not giving my kids focused attention!

To help moms who feel the same way come up with practical, creative ideas for their children's learning and play experiences while Mama is away at work (or elsewhere), The Learning Basket is holding a workshop called, "How to Be a Hands-On Working Mom," on August 16, from 2-4pm. This will surely be useful for all mothers (and maybe fathers, too?) who wish to play active roles in their children's activities.
For more information, including registration details, please visit their website.


More Lifelong Learning Events from Manila Workshops!

The month of August is also a full one for those who are into lifelong learning. Manila Workshops has a line-up of learning events that are really worth checking out, featuring the following:

*August 2 — Ready to Be Rich: Investing for Beginners

*August 16 — The Freelance Blend: Freelancing for Beginners 1.0

*August 23 & 30 — Basic Yaya Training Sessions

*August 23 — Make Your Own Kiddie Party — The Rerun & KokoCute: A Kokoru Workshop featuring corrugated paper crafts

*August 30 — The Pregnant Pinay & The Work-At-Home Mastermind Session #2: Homemade Business Ideas

For more details on each workshop, check out


So, what event will you be attending this August? Hope to see you around!

(Ogalala photo credits go to my fellow mom blogger and workshop attendee Daniel Kaity Bato of

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