Supplement for increased energy and libido

MANILA, Philippines -From Norwegian laboratories comes Potensan, a natural supplement that promises better blood circulation and increased energy and libido.

“In Norway, our Medicines Control Board is very strict. When a product makes a claim, it had better deliver, or we go to jail,” says Dr. Per Egil Sorensen, director of Det Norske Naturhuset, manufacturer of Potensan.

Potensan contains damiana (T. Diffusa aphrodisiaca), an herb that works with the nervous system in order to achieve a relaxed, uplifting effect. Spanish missionaries first recorded the Mexican Indians’ use of damiana tea as an aphrodisiac. Early Norwegian warriors used it in the sixth or seventh century AD.

The herb has long been sought due to its stimulating effect on the libido. Recently, it was shown that a chemical, damianin, part of damiana’s structure, can help relax the central nervous system — where natural sexual stimulation starts.

The first scientific literature recording damiana’s aphrodisiac effects came out a century ago. The US National Formulary listed the herb with associated use in improving sexual function in both males and females.

Potensan may be used together with maintenance drugs (for hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, vitamins, etc.). Its effects can be perceived as early as the first or second dose.

Potensan is approved by the Philippines’ Food and Drug Administration (BFAD No. FR-31229) and is now available  — no prescription needed — at Mercury Drugstores nationwide.

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