Cohen diet: The real deal

MANILA, Philippines - They say imitation is the best compliment. The huge popularity of the Cohen diet as a rapid weight loss solution has spawned a slew of knockoffs and wannabes flooding the market today. But, buyer, beware. This is not a one-size-fits-all type of diet.

“Not everyone can undergo the Cohen program,” says Regina Chuavon, director of Cohen’s Lifestyle Centre (CLC)  Philippines. “At the Centre, we do a comprehensive medical screening of our clients and coordinate with their primary physicians to see if they are suitable to do Cohen.”

Based on the client’s unique blood profile, the Cohen’s Lifestyle Centre develops a personalized eating plan. The key word is personalized. It is customized to your body’s specific needs.

“Since it is tailor-fit for an individual based on his kidney and liver profile, it is not as simple as having Cohen food deliveries, copying other people’s programs or attending cooking classes,” Chuavon notes. “While there may be initial weight loss, it is not sustainable and could even do more harm than good to the individual’s health.”

Barbara Young, CEO of CLC Philippines, remarks, “Success in losing weight can only be achieved through the tried-and-tested scientific, systematic, and sustainable approach of the real Cohen.”    

The innovative weight-loss program was developed some 25 years ago by Dr. Rami Cohen, who is internationally renowned for his research on hormones involved in overweight and obesity. He came to the conclusion that obesity is “a metabolic problem arising out of hormonal imbalances in the body” and has nothing to do with “a lack of self-discipline,” as was popularly believed. Unlike other diets that address only the symptoms, the Cohen diet treats the imbalance, which is the root cause of the problem.

Moreover, the imbalance can be effectively corrected through a change in lifestyle.

The clients are taught the right eating and sleeping habits to optimize the performance of organs vital for metabolic processes. “We monitor our client’s progress and blood parameters monthly so they can be guided accordingly,” Chuavon explains.

“Without requiring exercise, injection, or intake of pills, the program delivers fast results, with clients losing an average of up to eight to 10 lbs. a month.”

Hair and makeup artist Jamee Padilla lost 71 lbs. last year. She says, “The Cohen program is different because it’s grounded heavily on the natural way of losing weight.  It helps you get to know your body and teaches you to adopt a healthy lifestyle.”

 â€œThere is a guideline to follow,” Erika Avanceña, shares, “and as long as you stick to it, you will lose weight.” From 232 lbs., Erika lost 104 lbs.

Elizabeth Abela lost 29 lbs. in three months. “It was not difficult to adapt at all. I just had to make sure my timing intervals between meals and snacks were exactly as prescribed on a daily basis.”

Joy Marcelo, who lost 29 lbs. in 2012, was “pleasantly surprised” to learn that the Cohen program is not too hard to follow. “I loved that we had the freedom to cook what we wanted,” she says.

“With Cohen, you are given an option to create your own menu and prepare your own food using a variety of vegetables, fruits, seasonings, and meat listed in the Cohen book,” says businesswoman and socialite Digzy Umali who lost 65 lbs. in 2010 and has kept the pounds off until now. “The Cohen program made sure I had enough energy to function throughout the day without feeling weak or tired. It taught me how to eat healthy and eat right.”

Cohen medical director Dr. Angel Bandola explains, “With the Cohen’s Lifestyle Program, the hormonal imbalance causing the weight gain is addressed scientifically. You don’t get hungry or have cravings, which makes it easier to stick to the program. With the support and monitoring of the Cohen’s Lifestyle Centre, clients are taught the lifestyle to maintain a healthier body, so they continue to look and feel good.

This can only be achieved through the country’s real Cohen.  The real Cohen diet is not a fad. It is a unique lifestyle program designed especially for you. It’s the real deal.

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To learn more about the Cohen’s Lifestyle Program, visit

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