Theta healing: Getting better, being better

Almost as elusive as the proverbial Fountain of Youth, the search for the ultimate source of healing (whether emotional, physical or mental) is a constant in this modern-day world. Modalities come in a myriad of forms — from ancient practices revisited, combined east and west approaches, to more technologically advanced methods. Everything for the sole purpose of getting better, of being better. 

I was fortunate enough to have been exposed to some of these modalities by friends and colleagues. One such process recently introduced is called “Theta Healing.” Although I have yet to try it myself, the classes seem to have been getting very good feedback. Hence, my desire to share the information.

Now, for those skeptics out there, I have one piece of advice … If there’s one thing I have learned, it is that the first step to any real healing must include an open mind and more importantly an open heart. Keep this thought active as you read on and let not seemingly highfalutin words like “Seventh Dimension” keep you stuck on the surface “strangeness” of it all. You never know what wonder the universe has to offer as help for healing. But as in all things, own your choices. Perhaps that is where genuine healing begins.

A process founded on meditation, Theta creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing with focused prayers. Completely respectful of any religious predispositions, this modality refers to the Source of all as “Creator” and it teaches its participants to establish a real connection. Developed by Vianna Stibal after being diagnosed with bone cancer, Theta healing was her ultimate cure. As proof, she continues to be healthy and active today even after almost 20 years of teaching it. 

This technique begins with the self and focuses on removing any beliefs or blockages that prevent us from having and being our best selves and reaching our true potential. Theta classes are designed to help release these hindrances as mildly as possible. 

With a gentle meditation, each person will be guided to what is called the “Seventh Plane of Existence.” It is said that from here, you will be able to witness instant healings and incredible transformations in your life and those around you. Practicing the Theta DNA Healing method will enhance your intuition, guide you as to how to address negative energies as well as teach you about what is termed “a body scan,” which will aid you in healing. However, more than anything else, this technique focuses on thought and prayer. It uses the ability to connect to the “Creator and Oneness to all that is” as its main source of healing. 

As in all things, there are gradations to knowledge and application. Should this modality resonate with you, here are some steps on the Theta ladder to healing.

Basic class

This is a three-day workshop that introduces the participant to the basic foundation of Theta: Digging Work and Belief Work. The former allows us to realize our blockages while the latter teaches us how to release them.  It includes a fundamental understanding of the history and purpose of Theta and how it can be applied instantly to improve yourself and your life.

Advanced class

A complement to the basic course, this three-day class is about continuing to release more negative beliefs, old paradigms, and programs that no longer serve your life now. It also addresses what is called “ancestral beliefs” — ways of thinking passed down from generation to generation that you may have unconsciously assimilated. This class is a deeper look at what is holding us back from succeeding in life. It also goes into the “Seven Planes of Existence” — levels that make healing even more powerful. 

Abundance class

This is a two-day workshop that works on harnessing the material or emotional abundance in your life. It teaches once again that once negativity is released and blockages removed, anything is possible. It focuses on how to get what you desire in this life in the “highest and best way” possible.

Rhythm to a perfect weight

Since Theta is as much a physical healing as well as an emotional one, this four-hour class focuses on removing psychological blockages that may be preventing one from reaching their ultimate weight ideal. It becomes a healing from the inside out where through Digging work, participants will discover the reasons for the resistance in weight loss and ways to overcome them. 

Certified instructor

Edna Coliangco-Chua is a mother of five who chose to devote her time to alternative healing since 2007. A year after, she became a certified practitioner of Access Bars and Pranic Healing. Constant in her pursuit of knowledge, she continued on and is now also a certified practitioner of Angel Therapy, Reiki, EFT, TKM, Dorn, and Theta. She remains committed to each and every participant, both past and present, as they journey on their path to healing.

For inquiries and reservations, please e-mail Edna Chua at

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