Every day is Earth Day at PascualLab

MANILA, Philippines -  In line with its commitment to corporate social responsibility and in solidarity with the rest of the planet, Pascual Laboratories, Inc. celebrates Earth Month every April.

Through its CSR program, The PascualLab SEED Initiative, the company has made great strides in an effort to contribute towards helping sustain the environment. It is, after all, one of the focus areas of the SEED Initiative, apart from community health and education. And so, during the month of April, PascualLab dedicates itself towards celebrating the Earth, engaging in activities to instill awareness within its employees, referred to in the organization as family members.

As a prelude to Earth Week, PascualLab engaged in a corporate-wide Earth Hour Lunch Hour switch-off aimed at  saving energy.

In addition, PascualLab expanded its current practice of “Di Ako Plastic” Fridays to “Di Ako Plastic” Every Day, a corporate commitment towards reducing its consumption of plastic bag wastage by eliminating the use of plastic for food packaging purposes.

The company also carried over its past program Reuse: Recycling Paper Drive, where each department collects and weighs in used paper for recycling, and even upped the ante by introducing Reduce: A Paperless Office program, where each department is enjoined to consciously make an effort to pinpoint an area where paper wastage can either be eliminated or minimized.

In one of the most anticipated activities of its Earth Month celebrations, the company held its Recycle: A Green Garage Sale for the third year.  Family members were asked to pool gently-used, pre-loved items, which in turn were sold to other family members at bargain prices. Special donations were also contributed by company executives, some of which had special value.

PascualLab’s celebrity ambassadors also took part in the Earth Month celebrations by contributing items to the company’s Ambassadors’ Auction. Family members were able to bid on special items from Lyn Ching-Pascual, Immuvit ambassador coach Jim Saret, C-Lium Fibre ambassador Richard Yap, OraCare and Poten-cee ambassador Chris Tiu, and Ascof and corporate ambassador Congresswoman Lucy Torres-Gomez.

Proceeds from all of PascualLab’s Earth Month activities will go towards purchasing seedlings for the company’s upcoming Tree-mazing Race and planting activity that will take place at the Leonie-Agri Corp. (LAC) Farm in Nueva Ecija.

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