Gymboree teaches pre-schoolers social skills

MANILA, Philippines - The teacher asks your four-year-old to walk through a corridor by himself to go for his assessment to a classroom, which has a pile of toys in the middle. Will she do it or cling instead to Mommy? If she walks to the pile of toys, will she grab them or first ask permission from the teacher to play with them? If another child joins her at play, will she share the toys or not?

The above situations are some of the ways top-rated elementary institutions in Metro Manila test a child for school readiness. The child’s response, in addition to how she does in other tests that measure her cognitive and physical abilities, will most likely determine whether she will be accepted into that institution or not.

Even at the kindergarten level, it is important for a child to have the social, physical, and academic skills needed for early and ongoing success, according to Ann Tan, managing director of Gymboree Philippines. “Most parents drill their children on their numbers and letters but unfortunately miss out on the social skills when preparing them to get into the big school,” she says.

The social skills include confidence, curiosity, self-control, communication, perseverance, and cooperation.

All activities are done in quick succession to keep the child and his parent engaged and attentive. “We’ve realized that’s how they learn best.”

The best proof of Gymboree’s effectivity is the eagerness of children and parents to attend the weekly programs. In the 36 countries and 700 centers worldwide where the program is offered, each Gymboree location becomes a good place for moms or dads and their kids to make friends and become lifelong learners.


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