Your best bet for early liver cancer detection

MANILA, Philippines -  Liver cancer is one of the deadliest diseases because it is very difficult to detect. Often, there are no early symptoms. Usually, by the time it is detected, it is already in a very advanced stage (tumor size already at least 10 cm) and, therefore, virtually 100% fatal. Patients who are diagnosed too late have, at best, less than 5% chance of survival. Most die within one year after diagnosis.

For liver cancer victims, the best survival strategy is early detection. The earlier the disease is detected and aggressively treated, the greater the chances of survival. But how can early detection be done?

The world’s most accurate and modern tool for early detection of liver cancer is now available in the Philippines. Liver Cancer Biomarker Tests are now offered through the partnership of Ambica Biotechnologies and Reliance Life Sciences, one of the world’s largest biopharma corporations, fully certified by the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) as a specimen collection/holding facility for referral to a special clinical laboratory.

Biomarkers or biological/tumor markers are substances that can be found in the body when cancer is present. They can be products of cancer cells themselves or of the body in response to cancer or other conditions. Most tumor markers are protein.

To test for the presence of tumor markers, the doctor sends a sample of the patient’s tissue to a fully qualified laboratory, such as the world-class laboratory facilities and services of the Ambica/Reliance partnership, which has the world’s largest collection of cancer tissue biomarkers in one center. It has a total of 149 biomarkers for various cancers (breast, cervical, ovarian, lung, colon, gastric, esophageal, bladder, prostate, thyroid, testicular, liver, oral, and lymphoma). For liver cancer alone, Ambica/reliance has eight biomarkers.

All its 149 cancer biomarkers are accredited by the College of American Pathology (CAP), thus ensuring high credibility and reliability.

Biomarkers have various uses, such as: screening and early detection of cancer, diagnosing cancer, determining the prognosis (outlook) for certain cancer types, determining the effectiveness of cancer treatment, and detecting recurrent cancer.

The cost of a biomarker testing is very reasonable and affordable, considering its lifesaving and peace-of-mind benefits. Prices range from P4,900 to P9,400. The patient (through his/her doctor) will get the laboratory results under strict confidentiality.

The Philippine situation regarding liver cancer is much worse than the global average. Based on data from DOH and the Philippine Cancer Society, while liver cancer is the eighth most common cancer type worldwide, in the Philippines it is the third most common form of cancer among men and sixth among women.

Eighty percent of all liver cancer cases are preceded by cirrhosis. In turn, the usual causes of cirrhosis are chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C infection, and alcoholism.

“We hope that in the near future, more and more Filipinos, especially those at high risk of having cancer — any type of cancer — will realize the extremely vital importance of early detection to save their lives. They should consult their respective doctors regarding the benefits of cancer biomarker tests,” says Dr. Ronald Ramirez, Ambica’s medical advisor.

Ambica executive Job Joseph encourages everyone to learn more about this latest lifesaving technology. “For inquiries, they can reach me at mobile 0917-5483611; e-mail:; landline (02) 828-6617 to 18. They can also visit our website at”

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