Breastfeeding: A taste of heaven

It’s breastfeeding month once again and what a great way to celebrate it with my daughter Solana who has thrived on breast milk exclusively since birth.  She’s the longest who’s had the privilege to breastfeed for more than one year.  Everyone of her siblings was breastfed for a year as well and I would say that it would be one of the best gifts I have received from above.  I cannot get over just having had the chance to cuddle up with each of my children for a feed for regular intervals several times a day to connect and nourish each other in the most amazing way.

I was never breastfed when I was a baby, but it was not that my mother didn’t want to give me what was best.  She was just misinformed.  As a new mother then, she was made to believe that milk formula was superior over her own milk and that breastfeeding would not be beneficial to her body’s development.

Seeing me breastfeed my children somehow made my mom feel guilty that she was never able to give me that.  I assured her that it didn’t mean she was less of a mother.  I urged her to celebrate my being able to do so with her grandchildren. It means nothing is lost and we have all to gain from my ability to do so now.

I initially struggled with breastfeeding because it was difficult for a new mother like me then who suffered post-partum blues and sore nipples.  Through the support of my husband and the encouragement of friends and other family members, I was able to successfully breastfeed my new baby.  I didn’t have too many expectations at that time after my milk arrived.  My goal was to take it one day at a time and before I knew it, we were going for more and more months of feeding my baby purely on breast milk .

I learned valuable lessons then, such as setting realistic goals for myself, being kinder to myself, and taking things one day at a time.  Today, I cherish every moment I have to stop to feed my baby. It has been a great excuse for me to rest from work or my other concerns.  I have been able to connect with Solana at regular times to read to her, check on how she is developing, and most of the time, enjoy the peace and quiet while we are lost in each other’s arms.  It’s a taste of heaven!

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