The best in breast cancer management is here

MANILA, Philippines - The latest study culled from the recently concluded First Inaugural Scientific Symposium on the Multidisciplinary Approach for Breast Cancer Management reveals that breast cancer is the number one cancer in the Philippines, 99 percent occurring in women and only one percent in men. 

Dr. George Eufemio, president of the Philippine Breast Cancer Society, said that breast cancer is transmitted through the genes. Thus, the management of this disease should be focused on early detection, which can be considered as stage zero. With adequate treatment, breast cancer is curable and patients don’t have to have mastectomy in stage zero.

Dr. Alex Tan, course director for the breast ultrasound workshop of CHDC Hospital in Davao, gathered the oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, psychiatrists, and the breast imaging experts together for a common goal: to introduce the most modern multidisciplinary approach — a milestone towards ultimately combating breast cancer.

Himex Corporation, a leading healthcare provider for the past 20 years now, showcased its latest and the most-advanced breast imaging technology — Preirus with elastography and Avius with elastography, top-of-the-line new models of Hitachi Medical Corporation.

The ultrasound elastography is a painless, non-invasive treatment/procedure to detect the smallest lump present in the breast. In the Philippines, elastography is a pioneer technology of Hitachi Medical Corporation. The latest digital ultrasound scanner has real-time tissue elastography, now being used at Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center. Dr. Jocelyn B. Cuyos, head of breast imaging, gave hands-on training during the symposium using Hitachi elastography with clinical studies being a first for Himex Corporation and Hitachi.

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